Saturday, May 24, 2014

Playing at the park and haircut

Blair and Easton


Blakely's first time on a swing!  She LOVED it!

Blakely on the swing:

My mom started singing and dancing so I of course had to film her.  I guess it is a good thing that she can't view my blog right now....

Then she moved on to this...

Got to love my mom!

Next Miley Cyrus???  Let's hope not!

I had to document this haircut!  I told my mom right before she started how difficult Dyer is.  He never holds still and he just cries/screams and tries to run away from me.  It is usually a two person job.  Not this time!  He sat like a perfect little boy and hardly moved at all.  I swear he did that just to prove me wrong!  

We even got some smiles out of him!  WHAT?!?

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