Friday, March 28, 2014

Blakely at 6 months!

I can't believe that Blakely is already 1/2 year old!  She had her doctor's appointment on Monday and her stats were 17.2 lbs (73%), 27.17 in (92%) and head 17 in (70%).  Such a tall baby girl!

 She is eating solid foods a little better now even though she still blows raspberries when she eats!  She almost finishes everything I prepare for her.

She is sleeping a lot better now and usually doesn't wake up until about 6-6:30 now.  

I just love her chunky legs!
Blakely is starting to get stranger anxiety.  We were at Costco last week and she started crying when she couldn't see me and only the workers.

She is sitting up a lot better by herself now!  As long as something doesn't distract her she is pretty good at staying up for a long time.  She has started to sit up in shopping carts now!  She can only handle it for a short amount of time before she starts fussing and wants me to hold her instead.  So spoiled!

Blakely is getting worse at not wanting to be alone.  She expects me to hold her basically every second she is awake.  Just seeing me is not enough.

Blakely is still not moving forward but can move really fast around in circles.  She is so close to moving forward.  

She finally found her toes and loves sucking on them!

Some fun laughing videos.  I actually got her laughing a lot today but unfortunately I didn't get it on video....darn!

Kelsey kids at their best...

Easton came home from school and as usual I asked him how his day was.  He said he was good at the beginning and end of the day.  Of course I was curious about the middle so I asked him what happened.  He said he got in trouble for "farting" in class.  The first thing I ask him is if he said, "excuse me" and he reassured me he did.  Not sure why that was a problem, I asked him why he got in trouble.  He said it was because he did it in class and not in the bathroom.  Maybe that's true but I'm assuming there is more to the story that he isn't telling me.  Unfortunately, everything I came up with as to why he might have got in trouble (doing it on purpose, laughing about it, etc.) he told me it didn't happen.  Then he said later that same day someone else farted but wouldn't confess to it.  He said everyone thought it was either him or another boy.  He then told me he and the other accused boy lost a listening star because of it.  REALLY?!?  Again, I tried figuring this out (maybe he was making a big deal out of it, arguing about it, etc.) and still every explanation I came up with he told me it didn't happen.  He said he lost the listening star because they accused him of lying.  He assured me that it wasn't him and that he wasn't lying.  Easton: "I never lie!"  I'm not always the best at hiding my thoughts because I'm sure the look on my face said, "I know that's a lie!"  Easton looks at me with a mischievous look and says, "What?!?....I never school."  Me: "You never lie at school huh?  What about at home?"  Easton: "Well, yeah!......But I haven't lied in about a month!"

Easton and Blair were playing Bey Blades before school but I told them they had to stop and get ready for school.  Blair yells to Easton, "Don't worry Easton, our little BRO will take care of them!"

We were eating breakfast and Blair asks what day it is.  I told her Tuesday and she asked if that was church day.  I said, "No, it's Dyer's day to go to preschool but you'll go with him while I take Easton to school."  Dyer chimes in, "That's UNBELIEVABLE!"

I don't know what it is about my kids and ripping them these days but Dyer (just started this week) thinks it is hilarious to "toot" on purpose.  He lets one rip and he says, "I tooted" as he tries really hard to not laugh but then can't help but laugh and laugh and laugh.  Well, after he ripped one the other day he kindly came up to me and asked if he could sit in my lap.  I thought it was so cute that he wanted to cuddle with me.  I'm sure you know where this is leading to.....Yep, he strained really hard and let it rip!  Such a punk!  If it wasn't for that contagious laugh of his, I probably would have been mad, but unfortunately you can't help but laugh with him!

Well, since we are on the subject of farts/toots/ripping them/whatever you want to call them....Blair definitely has a way of defending herself.  Almost without fail if you tickle Blair to the point where she is laughing really hard she will fart.  And because she thinks it is hilarious that she farted she will accidentally do it again.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Chick Magnet?

I believe so....  
 Dyer picking up his lady friends!

Dyer with Abby

Dyer with Eden

Dyer and Cera

Dyer with Sofia

Dyer and Sammy

Dyer and Alexa

Dyer with Abby

It was fun ladies!  We'll have to do it again sometime...

I think the only things missing now are a Mom tattoo and a leather jacket!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dyer's New Ride

Dyer brought his motorcycle up to Valerie's so he could wash it with Valerie's motorcycle.  Dyer's so excited that his motorcycle is red like Valerie's!

Video: First time riding it!

He is over the moon excited about his motorcycle!  Let's just hope this doesn't turn into a real one several years down the road.


Game 6: Against the Bulls 

Game 8: Against the Celtics
Video: Easton stole the ball right before this and then dribbled all the way to the basket.  He had a nice shot but too bad it didn't go in!

Easton didn't end up making a basket this season but he had a lot of steals and rebounds.  He also passed really well and his coach said he was the best defensive player on his team!  

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Blair's doing gymnastics again only this time by herself.  It was too much of a pain having Dyer in class with her.  Blair was more concerned with getting Dyer to follow directions that she spent more time chasing him then actually doing anything closely related to gymnastics.  She got more done during this one session then she did the entire 6 weeks Dyer was with her.  I think she likes that it is just her and her teacher, Ms. Brittney.
Video: bars

Video: bars

Video: bars

Video: floor

Video: floor

Nathan's Birthday!

We celebrated Nathan's birthday a couple days early since he wasn't going to be home on his actual birthday.  He is currently in DC for a Radiology study review course.  We can't wait until he comes home!  We celebrated by going to Chuck E Cheese.  Nathan claims he wanted to do something he knew the kids would enjoy but secretly I think he is still a kid at heart!  It's okay though because my favorite thing is to go to the zoo.  After Chuck E Cheese we came back and had cheesecake and opened gifts.

We didn't have any candles (I thought we had some but we must have used a ton of them for my birthday last year) so we improvised and used a match instead!  Oops!

At least it was easy to blow out!

We hoped to be sneaky by hiding a birthday candy card in Nathan's luggage so he would have something while he was away, but he found it before we even got it in there.  We still sent him with it!  Hopefully he is enjoying all his treats!

We love you Handsome!  Sorry you had to spend your special day all alone.  

Blakely at 5 Months!

Okay she is closer to 6 months than 5 months now but most of these were taken about a week after she turned 5 months.

Blakely can now sit up by herself for a good chunk of time before she falls over.  She is still working on her balance though.  She sat up for a good 2 minutes 2 days before she turned 5 months!

2 days before she turned 5 months!

Blakely started eating rice cereal earlier this month and is just kind of starting to tolerate it!  Most of the time when I put the cereal (now a veggie with it) in her mouth she spits it out while doing raspberries.

Blakely still sleeps in my room, but that is mainly because Nathan is currently gone and I don't want to sleep by myself.  Also, Blakely for the most part still gets up at least once a night to eat and it is so much more convenient to have her in the pack n play next to me.  I'm sure she doesn't need this extra feeding so I probably will need to start the cry it out phase (which I dread) here shortly.  I'm sure Nathan would prefer I do this before he gets back.  This little girl has a set of lungs on her and believe me when I say she can put up a fight.  She is not a quitter when she wants people to know how she really feels about something.

I thought Blakely would be moving a lot more than she is.  It's about the same as last time-rolling around and moving in a circle but she is doing it a lot faster now.  She has moved forward a little bit to grab something just out of reach but that is about it.  She probably needs more tummy time to practice.

I wish I could hold this little girl all day long!  She would prefer it and I would prefer it, but unfortunately I have a lot of other responsibilities I have to take care of.  Darn it!  This little girl is just so happy and content as long as someone is holding her and giving her attention.  Unlike the other kids, Blakely probably LOVES church.  There's generally a line of people waiting to get their hands on her.  She is definitely very LOVED at church!

She is also very LOVED in Easton's classroom.  Blakely and I go and help out in Easton's classroom every Wednesday and most of the kids are so excited to see her.  They get super excited when they get to be in my group so they can read to the baby!  Most of the girls want to be right next to Blakely and when I say right next to Blakely I mean they have to be touching her.  It's a good thing that Blakely likes the attention and doesn't mind that her bubble is invaded.

We sure love this sweet little girl.  I just wish I could freeze time and keep her this little forever!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Playing catch up!  Lots of random things in this post!

For New Beginnings (church Young Women's) the theme we went with this year is Owls- Who are you?  I was put in charge of making owl cupcakes.  I've never used fondant before so I was a little nervous but with some helpful tips from my sister I came up with these.  It took me forever since I had to make 4 dozen of these but I'm glad that I was able to make them ahead of time. 

Daddy took two Valentine dates out this year!  I think this one was cuter though!  

Blair's nice shiner!  I'm still not sure that I have the whole story since every time she tells it I got more information.  As far as I know she was in the playroom and decided to put the little chair on top of the big chair and sit on it.  Because the chair wasn't balanced and her feet couldn't touch the ground she fell and hit the side of her face on the toy storage unit.  Her face looked a lot worse in person.

Blair's face was getting better but then she rammed it into the couch (she was aiming for the cushion but missed a got the hard part right below the cushion) about a week later (basically hitting the same place on her face) and got a new bruise.  I'm not certain but I think she may have broken a bone (maybe more?) or done something else because she has a nice indent anytime she smiles.  I think she might even have a permanent scar too!  This happened over a month ago.  Nathan says they probably won't do anything for her and they definitely don't want that much radiation on her especially if they won't do anything.

The kids got a whole week off of school in Feb. (President's day, furlough days, and local holiday).  All the kids minus Blair got sick with fevers and coughs.  It was definitely a relaxing holiday!  This is how Dyer was most afternoons.  I even took the kids to the park to get some fresh air and Dyer told me he was tired.  I told him to lay down in the wagon and the next thing I know he is fast asleep.
The week that Dyer was sick he came up to me and said, "There is something hot in my pants!"  I went to investigate and found out that he had diarrhea.  Poor little guy had no idea what was going on.  Except for the occasional accident here and there, Dyer's been potty trained for a few months now.  

A couple months ago whenever he had an accident (usually he just didn't get on the toilet fast enough-he holds it until the last sec.) and I would ask him why there was pee or poop on the floor he would say in his sweet little voice, "I just wanted to make it beautiful for you!"  REALLY!  Thanks Dude!  He started using this saying anytime he did something naughty like writing on the walls or dumping his drink.  Eventually it turned into ."I didn't want it to be beautiful!"   He is always coming up with funny/cute little sayings.    

One of Dyer's new words is Idiot!  I'm definitely not a fan of it and he knows it.  That is probably why he says it.  However, it is not uncommon for him to call you an idiot one minute and then the next you're a genius!

Dyer will only say the "closing prayer".  If you're ever over don't be surprised when dinner prayer, family prayer, personal prayer, etc.  is called "closing prayer".  How long do you think it will take him to figure that out?

I got Dyer some new shoes that he calls his "cute shoes" because Valerie calls them that.  I asked him the other day if he likes his cute shoes and he told me, "Valerie likes them!"  I said, "I know Valerie likes them but I'm asking if you like them.  He says, "Ummm....NO.........But Valerie does and I like Valerie."  Everything ALWAYS has to do with Valerie.

I really need to do a better job of writing down all the things Dyer says because not only are they usually cute/funny but there are many times where Valerie and I ask ourselves "where the heck did he get that from!"  He is so random sometimes!

Easton enjoyed playing computer games and watching TV a lot over his break.  This was towards the end of break when he was feeling a lot better.

Blakely taking a nice nap at the same time as Dyer.  That rarely if ever happens!

These three sure love each other.  I'm so glad they have each other!

The kids LOVE the "hot pool" at Valerie's!  They would be in there everyday if she would let them.

Celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday and hanging out with Dad before he had to go to work (night call).  This was the last night call for this year (until June)!

Silly Boy!  He thought it was pretty funny until he locked himself in and couldn't get out!

Haha!  So serious!

I put Blakely in the laundry basket the other day while we were cleaning the playroom (too many things for her to put in her mouth) and surprisingly she liked it.  She was sitting up to begin with but eventually she slid down.

Bumbo chair.  
She used to like this thing but not so much now that she can sit up (for a while anyways) by herself.