Friday, April 14, 2023

February 2023 - Meet Beau!


Easton finally got his driver's license the beginning of February!  It's been nice to have another driver.

We finally caved and got a puppy!
Meet Beau Cosmo!  Dyer was a bit upset that his name, Cosmo, didn't get chosen so I guess it is his middle name...

Crying!  So sad!  He probably was missing his family...

The kids knew we were getting a puppy but we got him a day earlier than we originally thought we would.  I didn't tell the kids when we found out so I filmed their reactions...

Blakely and KK


Beau loves Easton!

Blair and Dyer

So little!

Picking up the kids from school.  
We are trying to socialize him as much as we can but at the time he wasn't fully vaccinated yet so I would carry him.

Crazy hair day

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