Sunday, April 2, 2023

Magic Valley Madness

 Blakely was asked to join a travel team for basketball.  Her whole team was made up of 3rd graders but they were playing in a 4th grade league.  I think they ended up winning two games!  It was definitely a learning experience!  The rules were a lot different than what she was used to for community basketball so it took the girls a while to adjust and get more aggressive!

-The baskets were normal height

-Full court press

-Guard anyone (not like community where you had to guard the person with the same color band)

-Stealing allowed

-play man or zone

-Definitely not as much traveling or double dribble (kids seemed to get away with it a lot more in community ball)

Jump ball

Rebound/jump ball

Shooting free throw

Nice shot even though it didn't go in.

Fighting for the rebound

Steal at the beginning.  Not much to see with the rest of the video.


Haha!  Such a great picture!  I had to take Eden to the bathroom so I gave my phone to Dyer and asked him to take videos while I was gone.  Of course he gave it to Nathan.  Blakely of course gets the ball, takes a shot and gets fouled.  Luckily I got back to the gym right as she was taking her first free throw.  Nathan totally didn't get it on video but instead took a picture?!?  At least I got to see her make a basket but why do my kids always seem to do things when I'm not filming?

Fighting for the rebound


Getting the rebound and going back up!  She didn't make it but I'm excited that she finally did it!

Takes a shot and gets fouled.

She makes the 2nd foul shot!


Makes one of the free throws!

fighting for the rebound



Rebound and dribbling it out.

Fighting for the rebound

Dribbling and assist


Rebound (the ref at the end was telling the other team that they couldn't full court press because they were so far ahead of us).


Oops!  Haha!  I think they actually called that a jump ball!?!

Fighting for the rebound


Good job dribbling and protecting the ball.


Even though we didn't make a basket, I thought overall it was a really great play.

Blakely has gotten a lot better at dribbling down the court after rebounding the ball.  Her passes have improved a lot as well (even though it was a little close in this video).

Rebound and dribbling up

Rebound and dribbling up

Blakely definitely improved as the season went on.  She gained more confidence.  She does need to work on catching the ball and shooting more.  I'm excited to see her team compete next year.  

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