Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Eden at 9 months

Eden is such a lump!  She has no desire to move at all.  The only good thing about this is diaper changes!  I'm pretty sure by this age I was having to pin the other kids down to change their diapers.  Not Eden!  I guess you really don't have to move when you have 5 older siblings and a mom and dad that carry you all over the place!  It's also nice for picture taking!  Having a baby just sit there (for the most part.  She does sometimes move around in a circle on her butt and stomach) makes it a lot easier to take pictures.

She is still waking up in the middle of the night to nurse once a night but she is still taking 2 really nice long naps!

She loves her baby food as long as it isn't the meat meal stuff!  Anything fruits and veggies (espcially if they are combined) she loves and will suck it down!

She can't pull herself up yet up if you put her in a standing position she will stand for a little while as long as she has something to hold onto.

She's tolerating tummy time better now.  She's puking a lot less now so she's getting a lot more tummy time.  I've learned this month that she seems to get car sick now.  I think it is because she isn't sleeping nearly as much in the car as she used to.  

Easton sure loves his baby sister!

Eden's newest trick: shaking her head "no".

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