Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Jac's and Boise

The kids (minus Blair) had a mid-winter break so we decided to make a trip up to see my sister and to check out Boise.  I hadn't seen my sister and her family for almost 3 1/2 years!  It was a nice trip but way too short.  Hopefully we can get together sometime this summer. 

Thank goodness my sister takes pictures and sends them to me...I'm usually really bad at remembering to take pictures.

Would you guess that these two are only 3 months apart and in the same grade?  I'm not sure if my child is a giant or Jac's is a shorty...maybe both?

This is the one auntie on my side I think KK gets her personality from.

Uncle Brandyn multitasking!  Making breakfast and baby holding!

Adisyn taking her turn with Eden.

We went to this fun park.
All the kids (Kadyn and Easton-13, Ashlyn-12, Blair-11, Dyer and Adisyn-9, Blakely and Karsyn-7, McKinley-3 (almost 4), and Eden (9 months)

Ashlyn (aka baby hog!!!) and Eden

KK couldn't get enough of this Twix fruit salad.  She was licking the bowl!

One last cousin picture before we left!
Thanks for letting us stay with you guys for a couple nights!

Karsyn and Eden

We decided to check out Boise since it is one of the few places we think we might want to end up if we decide to get out of the military in less than 1 1/2 years.  Nathan's aunt and uncle live there so we were able to see them and they were so kind to have us over for dinner a couple nights while we were there.  Also, his uncle drove us around some areas we were interested in seeing.

Nathan's mom decided that she was going to come up and see us and then his sister said that her family was going to be up in Boise that weekend too!  Eventually Nathan's other sister said she was coming too so we decided to go to Dave and Busters one night for dinner.  The kids had fun but I can't say that I was a huge fan of the place.  I've always wanted to check it out but I would be okay if I never made it back.

This was probably the first inside public place the kids have done since COVID happened!  Also, this trip was the first time my kids have eaten at a restaurant in almost a year!  It was nice to get out of California for a while and feel somewhat back to normal for a bit.

So apparently this is what studying looks like...
As you can tell she is working really hard while Nathan and I are out driving around the area!

Poor Blair still had school work to do while we were on vacation.  She did a decent job of not getting too far behind.  

Playing at the park with cousin Hudson before they left to go back to Idaho Falls.

Eden at 9 months

Eden is such a lump!  She has no desire to move at all.  The only good thing about this is diaper changes!  I'm pretty sure by this age I was having to pin the other kids down to change their diapers.  Not Eden!  I guess you really don't have to move when you have 5 older siblings and a mom and dad that carry you all over the place!  It's also nice for picture taking!  Having a baby just sit there (for the most part.  She does sometimes move around in a circle on her butt and stomach) makes it a lot easier to take pictures.

She is still waking up in the middle of the night to nurse once a night but she is still taking 2 really nice long naps!

She loves her baby food as long as it isn't the meat meal stuff!  Anything fruits and veggies (espcially if they are combined) she loves and will suck it down!

She can't pull herself up yet up if you put her in a standing position she will stand for a little while as long as she has something to hold onto.

She's tolerating tummy time better now.  She's puking a lot less now so she's getting a lot more tummy time.  I've learned this month that she seems to get car sick now.  I think it is because she isn't sleeping nearly as much in the car as she used to.  

Easton sure loves his baby sister!

Eden's newest trick: shaking her head "no".

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Easton and Blair School of Rock

 Easton and Blair's Punk Rock band played more songs but I only filmed the songs Easton and Blair were playing in.

Blair's 2nd show.  She only played the keys this time.  I thought she was supposed to sing back up for one song but for some reason it didn't happen...

Should I Stay or Should I Go:

Easton's 2nd show.  It was really nice to see them perform in person this time but their "stage" was really small and I didn't have the best angle to see Easton.  One of the back up singers were usually blocking my view of Easton so I wasn't able to get a great picture of him.

Punk Rock Girl:

One Way or Another:

Whip It:

Radio Radio:

Sk8er Boi:

The Middle:

All the Small Things:

Dyer and Blakely School of Rock


Dyer's second show!  Dyer did a great job!

This was Blakely's first show!  I thought she did really well considering she just started playing the bass 4 months prior (but with holidays and closures she really only got about 3 months of lessons).

Bad Moon Rising:

Can't Hurry Love:

Not gonna lie some of these songs are hard to listen to...

Dyer and Blakely's group didn't have a singer so they just added the singer last minute.  Also, Dyer said that he and Blakely had never played with the other drummer and guitarist before.  It seems a little odd that you would put people on stage together that have never even practiced together.  Oh well.  I guess the show must go on!

Island in the Sun:

Come Together:

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Nathan got a long board for Christmas!

This is happening more and more every day.


Blair decided that she wanted to room with Blakely now instead of Eden so we rearranged a lot of things and people!  I took the bed from Dyer's room which was the bottom part of the bunk bed and moved it into Blair's room.  The girls wanted two single beds but once we got them in there they realized they wouldn't have any room so we put them into a bunk bed.  We moved all of Blakely's clothes and dresser into their room.

Since I took Dyer's bed from him I decided to give him the loft bed that Blakely and McKinley were using as bunk beds.  I really didn't want to take the bed apart so I moved all of Dyer's things into what used to be Blakely and McKinley's room.  I think this room works better for him with his drums and the closet is smaller so it works better with just one kid.

McKinley and Eden moved into Dyer's old room.  I think McKinley is excited to be the oldest sister and the boss of her room!  She's currently on the pop up trundle bed which will work while we are here in California but eventually we'll probably be getting a real bed/bunk beds once Eden is old enough to be in a big girl bed.

I have to sneak pictures and videos of Dyer...

Another video of McKK making Eden laugh.

Blair stealing my phone.

Dyer and Blakely have to do one miscellaneous things for school each week.  It can basically be anything you want like crafts, baking, experiments, etc.

They decided to make sugar cookies this week. 

The other kids got in on the action as well but I only got a picture of Easton.  For some reason the kids picked a bunch of Halloween cookie cutters.

Eden's newest trick: clicking her tongue.

The kids have way too much fun with my phone!

Monday, April 5, 2021

Eden at 8 months

Eden's first two bottom teeth finally broke through!  I think this is why she's been getting up so much during the night! She's also been biting me while nursing...ouch!

She's started saying dadada and bababa!  I'm trying to get her to say mama but she usually just says dadada.

She did really well on our trip to Idaho (first long road trip).  She's now been to California, Nevada, and Idaho.

Stinky face!
This is her newest trick!

Nothing else has really changed...
still my happy smiley baby!

I took this photo when I was 36 weeks pregnant with Eden (1 week before she was born).  I thought it would be fun to do some more silhouettes when Eden was 36 weeks old (I believe she was closer to 38 weeks though)... 

She's officially been outside longer than she was inside!

End of December

Opening Christmas presents the day after we got back from vacation.
Gpa and Gma Earnest got the 4 oldest pop ball guns

Someone likes to pose for the camera!

She got this purse from Gpa and Gma.

new slippers from Valerie

Grogu (baby Yoda) plush from Gpa and Gma

One of Dyer's favorite phrases...

Blakely got a gummy unicorn kit

Nathan got his first COVID vaccine!

Eden sporting her new outfit from Gpa Layne and Karla

All tuckered out from New Years Eve!