Sunday, November 29, 2020

Eden at 4 months

Eden usually gets up about once a night but she is sleeping in 5-6 hour chunks!  She likes to get up around 5 most mornings and just chat for about 2 hours before she falls back asleep.  That's about the time that Blakely or Dyer wake up so I don't generally get much sleep after 5.

She is still eating every 2-3 hours and still spitting up like crazy!  Even though she spits up a lot she is definitely gaining plenty of weight.  Do you see those cheeks?!? She is in size 2 diapers now but probably won't be in them for long!  She is wearing 6-12 month clothes now!  I feel like she had a huge growth spurt this last month.

Eden is such a happy mellow baby!

We are working on more tummy time but she definitely doesn't get as much as she should because she pukes so much!  We just started putting her in the bumbo chair and she seems to like that for small periods of time.  She seems to prefer her bouncy chair or being held.

Hennessy Fire

Less than a week after school started (1 day after the Independent Study students finally got started) we got evacuated because of the Hennessy Fire.  I was on the phone with my sister when I got a text message ordering us to evacuate because the fire had jumped the interstate.  We didn't even get a warning that we might be evacuated.  I called Nathan and informed him that we were being evacuated.  It normally takes Nathan less than 10 minutes to get home from base but it took him over 45 minutes.  They closed down the interstate and were rerouting everyone to the main street just outside our neighborhood.  The car was packed and ready to go once Nathan got home.  He quickly changed and we set off for William's house since Valerie was on "be ready to go" orders.  It took us another 45 minutes to get out of our neighborhood which was a little nerve wracking since I was low on gas.  I think I had about 80 miles until we were on empty.  Oops!  I'm usually pretty good at not letting my gas tank go too far below halfway before I fill up but with COVID I tried to get away with not going to the gas station more than I had to.  Not the best plan with natural disasters!  You would have thought I would have learned that living in Florida with hurricanes...

William was kind enough to let us crash at his place for the night.  We thought Valerie and Roger would have to come up eventually but it turned out they didn't.  Even the base got evacuated!  We were able to return back home the next day and the kids were excited that school was cancelled for two days!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Back to School

 The kids technically started school on Aug. 13th but Easton was really the only one who actually started on that day. The other kids started a few days later because things weren't set up yet for Independent Study.  I never took first day of school pictures since my kids weren't technically going to school in person.  We got our family pictures taken by Jayli Boles so I'm using those as the kids' school pictures this year.

Easton is a FRESHMAN in highschool this year!  How crazy is that!  He also started seminary this year.  With COVID everything is so different this year.  Easton is doing distant learning and his school decided to only take 3 classes at a time but work twice as fast.  They are basically doing quarters.   He has finished one quarter so far and is about halfway through his second quarter and I'm not convinced that he has learned half a years worth of material...Seminary is for the most part all online.  They "meet" once a week "in person".  Most of the time it has been by Zoom but they had a couple weeks were they actually met in person at the church on Fridays.  We recently got moved back to purple so they have gone back to Zoom once a week.

Blair started out the school year doing Independent Study 6th grade with Dyer and Blakely but about a week into it we decided to pull her from the program and do a homeschool program instead.  We were already planning on homeschooling her this year but once COVID happened California capped the funding for homeschooling so we decided to give the Independent Study program a try.  Eventually we found out that this was the first year for Independent Study for elementary and middle school which annoyed me that we didn't know this before hand.  I realized that the Independent Study program was going to be a lot more time consuming than I realized and having three children in it seemed very daunting and pretty much impossible to do. We decided to bite the bullet and pay for Blair's homeschool program out of pocket.  Looking back that was a good decision and sometimes I almost wish that we would have done the same with Dyer.  Blair is doing an online program for three subjects and I do math with her.  It seems to be going well for the most part for her.

One of the few projects Blair participated in with Independent Study.

Dyer is in 4th grade this year.  Like I said above he is doing Independent Study.  At the start of the year he was the only 4th grade student which made his weekly check ins interesting since he doesn't like to talk much with people he doesn't know very well.  His teacher would ask him something and he would generally give a one word answer.  About 4-6 weeks into the school year twin boys thankfully joined his class.  Independent Study is similar to homeschooling in that I'm teaching the kids but we follow the school districts curriculum so in a way I'm teaching everything a public school teacher would teach but for two grades.  This is why we pulled Blair from the program because there wasn't enough hours in the day for me to teach three grade levels.  I already go crazy with just the two plus math with Blair. 

Blakely is in 1st grade Independent Study.  She has about 10 kids in her group and of course Blakely is a social butterfly.  Definitely the opposite of Dyer.  She looks forward to her weekly check ins.  I decided to do Independent Study because I thought it would be crazy to have to worry about logging kids in everyday and probably multiple times a day.  I wasn't a fan of what happened in spring and didn't want to repeat that if I could help it.  Plus if/when the kids go back to school I didn't want a weird schedule of some days at school/some at home/half a day here/half a day there.  I just wanted things to be as consistent as possible.  If the kids go back to school full time Dyer and Blakely will probably go back.  I know Blakely wants to go back and see all her friends as soon as possible.


Poor McKinley doesn't get much attention during school hours.  It is a good thing that she plays really well by herself.  I wish that I could find the time to teach and read to her more.  I definitely feel like a failure with her this year.  Luckily Blakely has some assignments that McKinley can participate with her but I definitely feel guilty that she hasn't gotten the same attention as the other kids did at her age.  Hopefully COVID will go away by next school year so we can have more one on one time while the others are at school.

Eden is such a good baby!  Thank goodness for that!  She is usually super content just bouncing in her chair so long as she can see someone.  If I'm not feeding her it's not uncommon for Eden to be Blair's study buddy!  Either Blair's sitting right next to Eden or Eden is curled up in Blair's arms.  Thankfully it doesn't seem to be too much of a distraction for Blair and she is able to get her work done.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

School of Rock

The kids got to participate for the Saturday concert.  Because of COVID they streamed the concert online which was nice for extended family to watch.  It would have been nice to be in person so I could take better videos but I'll take what I can get.  They had a Sunday performance at a winery but my kids didn't participate that day.  The kids had a lot of fun and I think they are really enjoying School of Rock.

Dyer's in Rock 101 playing the drums.  
The Rock 101 class opens up for the rest of the bands.

7 Nation Army:

Tootie Frootie:

Blair and Easton are in the British Invasion performance group.
Blair's playing the keys and singing backup vocals.

Easton's playing the guitar.

Unfortunately Blair was behind a pole or something most of the time so we couldn't see her face very well.  Plus the sound for the singers wasn't coming through as well as they were hoping.

My Generation:
Blair backup vocals.

Drive my Car:

Blair backup vocals.

Easton on guitar

House of the Rising Sun:

Easton on guitar and Blair on keys.

Blair on keys

Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood:
Easton on guitar and Blair backup vocals.

I Can't Get No Satisfaction:
Easton on guitar and Blair on keys

Twist and Shout:

Blair on keys and backup vocals.

Whiter Shade of Pale:

Gimme Some Lovin':
Blair backup vocals.


 I swear most of the pictures I post are of Eden.  I can't help it if she is so dang cute and we are stuck at home doing the same old stuff.  Eden is the only thing that seems to be changing and doing new things.

Have I mentioned that she pukes a lot!  She was pretty proud of herself.

She loves to coo!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Eden's baby blessing

We blessed Eden on July 26, 2020.  Because of COVID we blessed her at home.  A perk of COVID is that we were able to have family there via ZOOM.  Too bad we weren't able to do this with any of our other kids.  Our family really haven't be able to participate with most of our kids' blessings and baptisms because we haven't lived very close to anyone.  It was nice that many were able to attend.

Nathan's grandparents were able to come in person.  Nathan recently got called into the bishopric so his grandpa was able to ordain him to high priest the same day as Eden's blessing.

It was also nice that Roger and Valerie came as well!  Valerie made Eden's blessing dress.  Thanks Valerie!  I love it! 


Eden's middle name is Valerie.

She sure LOVES her tongue! 

Princess Eden


These four just love and adore each other!  I think they are going to be the best of friends when they get older!

I got them all matching pajamas for Christmas and since Eden was born I've been wanting to take this picture!  I realized that Eden was about to outgrow these pajamas soon so i needed to get a picture right away!

Eden at 3 months!

 The day before she turned 3 months old she slept from 10:30-4:30.  6 wonderful hours!

She still likes to eat every 2-3 hours and she still spits up a lot!  All her pajamas smell really bad around her neckline even though they have been washed.  I guess it is a good thing that she is the last baby because they will need to be burned when she is done with them!

She is in size 1 diapers but will probably need to move up to size 2 soon.  She is wearing 3 month clothes but also wearing some 3-6 month clothes and a few 0-3 month clothes still.

The day after she turned 3 months old she did a little giggle when I was on the phone with my mom.  She's not the easiest to get to giggle.  She'll do a start of a giggle but she hasn't had a full on giggle yet.  It's like she is holding it in.

When I put her on tummy time she turns over a few seconds later.  She usually rolls to the right but there have been a couple times where she has rolled to the left.

Eden is such a happy baby!  She loves cooing and smiling at anyone that will give her attention!