Sunday, November 29, 2020

Hennessy Fire

Less than a week after school started (1 day after the Independent Study students finally got started) we got evacuated because of the Hennessy Fire.  I was on the phone with my sister when I got a text message ordering us to evacuate because the fire had jumped the interstate.  We didn't even get a warning that we might be evacuated.  I called Nathan and informed him that we were being evacuated.  It normally takes Nathan less than 10 minutes to get home from base but it took him over 45 minutes.  They closed down the interstate and were rerouting everyone to the main street just outside our neighborhood.  The car was packed and ready to go once Nathan got home.  He quickly changed and we set off for William's house since Valerie was on "be ready to go" orders.  It took us another 45 minutes to get out of our neighborhood which was a little nerve wracking since I was low on gas.  I think I had about 80 miles until we were on empty.  Oops!  I'm usually pretty good at not letting my gas tank go too far below halfway before I fill up but with COVID I tried to get away with not going to the gas station more than I had to.  Not the best plan with natural disasters!  You would have thought I would have learned that living in Florida with hurricanes...

William was kind enough to let us crash at his place for the night.  We thought Valerie and Roger would have to come up eventually but it turned out they didn't.  Even the base got evacuated!  We were able to return back home the next day and the kids were excited that school was cancelled for two days!

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