Sunday, November 29, 2020

Eden at 4 months

Eden usually gets up about once a night but she is sleeping in 5-6 hour chunks!  She likes to get up around 5 most mornings and just chat for about 2 hours before she falls back asleep.  That's about the time that Blakely or Dyer wake up so I don't generally get much sleep after 5.

She is still eating every 2-3 hours and still spitting up like crazy!  Even though she spits up a lot she is definitely gaining plenty of weight.  Do you see those cheeks?!? She is in size 2 diapers now but probably won't be in them for long!  She is wearing 6-12 month clothes now!  I feel like she had a huge growth spurt this last month.

Eden is such a happy mellow baby!

We are working on more tummy time but she definitely doesn't get as much as she should because she pukes so much!  We just started putting her in the bumbo chair and she seems to like that for small periods of time.  She seems to prefer her bouncy chair or being held.

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