Sunday, September 20, 2020

Eden at 3 months!

 The day before she turned 3 months old she slept from 10:30-4:30.  6 wonderful hours!

She still likes to eat every 2-3 hours and she still spits up a lot!  All her pajamas smell really bad around her neckline even though they have been washed.  I guess it is a good thing that she is the last baby because they will need to be burned when she is done with them!

She is in size 1 diapers but will probably need to move up to size 2 soon.  She is wearing 3 month clothes but also wearing some 3-6 month clothes and a few 0-3 month clothes still.

The day after she turned 3 months old she did a little giggle when I was on the phone with my mom.  She's not the easiest to get to giggle.  She'll do a start of a giggle but she hasn't had a full on giggle yet.  It's like she is holding it in.

When I put her on tummy time she turns over a few seconds later.  She usually rolls to the right but there have been a couple times where she has rolled to the left.

Eden is such a happy baby!  She loves cooing and smiling at anyone that will give her attention!

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