Sunday, September 13, 2020


 This girl is all SASS!  She is hilarious and oh so cute!  Too bad I don't update my blog very often because she says the funniest things all the time. 

She dressed up so we could go on a walk!

She loves dressing up and changing her outfit all the time!  At the same time she loves just being in her underwear!  This particular day she decided to dress up as a Hogwart student.

See what I mean about the Sass!  She wanted her hair tips pink so Blair made it happen!

For the most part she LOVES being a big sister.  The other day she told me she didn't want a baby sister anymore but I think she has just been feeling left out recently.  It's been a whirlwind trying to juggle everything since school started.  Easton's doing distance learning with the high school.  Blair started out doing independent study with Dyer and Blakely but after about a week we decided to homeschool her instead.  Between bouncing around helping each kid with their school work and feeding Eden, I think McKinley has been feeling left out and hasn't been getting the attention she usually gets.  It's been hard on her.

Sleeping in my bed...That's all the room I got when she came in that night.  She practically took over my pillow.

Naps are very rare these days.  After she swam at Valerie's she came home and fell asleep during screen time.  

Such a performer!


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