Wednesday, December 6, 2017

McKinley at 8 months

At about 8 1/2 months I finally moved McKinley into the girls room.  The first 2 nights were rough but she is sleeping really well now (and so am I!).  The girls didn't even flinch the first two nights she was constantly crying.  I was worried that she would keep them up so that is why I waited so long.  If I would have known that it wouldn't have fazed the girls at all I would have done it sooner!

She is eating really well now!  I can't shovel it in fast enough now!  She screams at me if I'm moving too slow for her.  I've started to give her chunks and sometimes she does alright but most of the time she gags on it.  She does love the baby cereal and yogurt melts that dissolve in her mouth.  She's grabbing those like a champ which is nice for me when I'm trying to make dinner!

 I was never able to get her on camera doing it but this month she started rolling her r's.

Here's a video of Nathan trying to get her to do it but of course she wasn't going to perform for the camera:

I think dada is her favorite word right now unless she is sad and then it is most definitely mama! 

Not happy!  If you look closely you can see her first tooth coming in!

 McKinley loves playing with toys!  She is actually starting to entertain herself for longer periods of time now that she is more interested in toys!  Yay for me!  I don't have to take her with me all over the house as much anymore.

 Moving backwards:

Shaking her body:

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