Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Blakely's Birthday Party

Blakely's birthday was back in September but she really wanted Valerie to be at her birthday party.  I told her we could make that happen but she would have to wait about 6 weeks for her party.  She decided that was what she wanted to do.  It worked out great because by then football was over.  Plus the place we wanted to have her birthday party didn't actually open it's doors until October.  Blakely invited all the kids from her sunbeam class at church and they all had a great time!

Blakely's party actually ended up being on Valerie's actual birthday so they got to celebrate their birthday's together!  Later that night we took Valerie out to eat at Lulu's.

They have a little beach/water area where the kids can play while waiting for their food!

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