Monday, March 14, 2016

First Day of School

So we moved to Florida on July 7th and apparently I didn't take a single picture until the kids started school on August 17th ....Interesting.  Either I was too busy unpacking or too lazy to bring the camera along.  Probably both.  I know there were times we went to the beach but I didn't want to get the camera ruined so I didn't bring it.

Anyways, Easton started 3rd grade, Blair 1st grade, and Dyer Pre-K.  Here in Florida Pre-K is free!

Video of what the weather was like on their first day of school:

I drove the kids to school on their first day. I was trying to figure out how it was going to work to get Dyer to school around 8:30 for free breakfast (which is usually the highlight of his day-two breakfasts!) and the older two to school around 8:40.  The bus for the older two comes at 8:30 so I thought if I dropped Dyer off at 8:30 I would have plenty of time to get the older two to school between 8:35-8:45 (drop off time) since it is just down the road.  Well, we dropped Dyer off no problem, but when we were on our way to the elementary school, traffic was almost at a stand still.  It was probably because it was the first day of school and also because it was raining outside.  We probably would have had better luck walking from Dyer's school to the elementary school.  By about 8:40 we finally get to the front of the line but we have to make a left hand turn into the school.  Traffic on the other side of the road is backed up as far as you can see which basically means that unless someone is super kind and will let us in we aren't going anywhere anytime soon.  Not only that but the cross walk is right in front of my car so the crossing guard is crossing tons and tons of kids across the road so anyone trying to get out of the school parking lot can't!  Everyone was at a standstill!  At about 8:49 (mind you the car riders ramp closed at 8:45) Easton and Blair are freaking out because they are going to be late on their first day of school and they weren't entirely sure where their classrooms were (we visited the week before but they still weren't sure).  Since we hadn't moved for almost 10 minutes and we were right in front of the cross walk, I told the kids to hop out and walk across (with the crossing guards help of course).  Boy did I get chewed up one side and down the other from the crossing guard!  Sorry lady, but I wouldn't do anything I felt would endanger my kids!  It was another minute or two of her screaming at me before she finally started directing traffic and cars were finally able to move!  I was so annoyed!  The next day the older kids caught the bus at 8:30 and I drove Dyer to school shortly after.  Dyer still gets his second breakfast and the older kids get to school on time so it is a win/win for everyone!

Some cute videos of Blakely (These were taken before she was two...):

Skidamarink song:

For a while Blakely kept adding extra sounds at the end of some words (those with a p and k ending sound).  If you notice with up she says, "up-p".  She didn't do it for milk but usually it would be "milk-k".  I just had her say her name because I think it is cute the way she says it.  "Bakey"

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