Sunday, March 20, 2016

Dyer soccer

Dyer was definitely one of the youngest kids playing soccer this year.  He barely made the cut off.  I'm not going to lie...It was hard to watch Dyer play because well, he didn't do a whole lot of playing.   He was on the field half the time but I think he was nervous or scared to get in on the action.  He would run up and down the field with the rest of the kids but he was at least a few feet behind the action.  If the ball came near him he would just stand still and watch it go by.  I should have counted how many times that boy yawned because let me tell you it was a lot!  I'm pretty sure the best thing about soccer for him was the after game snack!  That's all he would talk about!  Haha!  Dyer's team was the Eagles!  

This video basically sums up Dyer's soccer season...

The only time he actually touched the ball was if his coach told him to take the kick off or throw the ball in.

Dyer with his Pre-K friend Avery

Awarded "Best Teammate" 

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