Sunday, March 20, 2016

Blair soccer

Blair started off the season kind of shy and timid but gradually she started to come out of her shell.  By mid season she was playing aggressive and was getting in on the action.  It was fun to watch her!  By the end of the season her heart didn't seem to be in the game anymore.  She got pretty sick (hard cough for over a month) and I don't know if that was the reason why her heart wasn't in it anymore or if she was just tired of playing.  In any case she was very distracted/not paying attention on the field and she was more than happy when it was her turn to sit out.  Her team was in last place (10th) at the end of the regular season but they ended up 2nd in the tournament.  They kicked butt and almost won the championship!  Way to go Highlighters!  Blair was awarded the "most shy" highlighter!  I really hope that she enjoys indoor soccer and that it gets her excited for outdoor again.

Lining up for the Championship game.

See what I'm talking about....distracted!  She's either making a heart shape with her hands or singing one of the songs from school!

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