Monday, October 20, 2014

Gymnastics "practice" meet

Blair had her first "competition" for gymnastics.  I didn't think that she was going to be able to compete because you have to be enrolled in the class to compete.  Blair decided that she wanted to play soccer and well, soccer started halfway through the session that they were holding the competition.  I was talking to Blair's coach about how sad it was going to be that she was going to miss it by two weeks because we generally don't let our kids play two sports at once.  The next week her coach informed me that they were offering a half session for those who wanted to compete.  I'm pretty sure she arranged it just for us!     

Lining up before the competition.

Close up.

I'm sure this will sound petty but I don't care...Technically each group is supposed to compete against the girls in their class.  The girl in the back used to be in Blair's class but they moved her up 2 sessions (12 weeks) before the competition because she was too advanced for the class.  The girl's mom didn't like the coach or time she was being put in so her mom put her in a semi private class with two other girls who moved up with her.  Long story short...She should not have been competing with Blair's class (Pre-Team A) and instead should have been competing with Pre-Team B because that was the level she was supposed to move up to.  I know I shouldn't care, but it was annoying... 

I was really glad when we first got there because Blair's teacher was actually there.  Little did I know her coach was going to be with the older girls (Pre-Team B and C).  Lame!

Beam: sorry it is so dark...
Blair missed a practice the week of competition because she got sick and stayed home from school.  That day they worked strictly on beam.  Blair had no idea what the routine was.  She had worked on most of the moves in practice but never in the correct order.  She did pretty well for not knowing what to do.

I was a little annoyed with the floor because the coach helping them changed things up last minute on them.  She left out some things they had been practicing and I know it threw Blair off.  Did I mention that the coach helping them also happens to be the coach for the girl who was competing with them that shouldn't have been competing with them?  Hmmm....

They were supposed to do two vaults but only ended up doing one....Not sure what happened there!?!

Again the coach helping them changed things up on them last minute.  Blair's class had been working on their dismount for a couple weeks and they didn't do it like they were supposed to.  Kind of disappointing.

This is what their dismount was supposed to look like (only Blair was supposed to land on her feet : ) 

Blair landing on her feet:

Dismount on bars:

Blair ended up doing really well and would have done even better if she would have competed against just her classmates.  The girl who shouldn't have competed with Blair's class (in my opinion) ended up getting 1st in surprise there.

Vault: 3rd! 9.3 (not sure if Blair would have still gotten 3rd or if the two of them would have moved up to 2nd?)

Bars: 3rd! 8.7 (should have gotten 2nd)

Floor: 2nd! 8.95 (should have gotten 1st)

Beam: 2nd! 9.2 (should have gotten 1st)

All Around: 2nd! 36.15 (should have gotten 1st!)

Okay I'm done complaining.....  
Blair did an awesome job!  It was a great way to end gymnastics!  Maybe someday she'll get back into gymnastics.  I think she misses it a lot but I'm pretty sure after soccer she wants to try ballet.

Blair posing with her balloons and ribbons (thank goodness for Easton!).


We need to work on that gymnastics pose.  Haha!

Just a cute little beam video:

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