Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dyer's first day of preschool

Dyer actually got sick the night before his first day of preschool (fever) so he stayed home.  Blair was sick that day too.  Blakely got chicken pox a few days earlier so I was worried that maybe Dyer and Blair were getting the chicken pox too!  Dyer kept getting a rash off and on so I was worried.  It wasn't until Easton got a fever the next day that I realized they were sick with something completely different than Blakely.  I'm pretty sure that Easton got the chicken pox when he was in preschool (even though he was vaccinated) so I knew they had to have a different virus.  I'm pretty sure now that Dyer's rash was just a heat rash because it only flared up in the afternoon for two days and didn't stick around.  Plus he wasn't itching like Blakely was.

This is technically the second day of school but his first day going.

Such a cutie pie!

My little Bubba looks all grown up!

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