Thursday, October 9, 2014

1st Day of School

The kids started school on Aug. 20th.  Easton is in Ms. Collins class (2nd grade) and Blair's in Ms. Howell's class (Kindergarten).  

Easton and Blair
I wanted to get a picture of all the kids like I usually do but we were running out of time and I actually didn't bring all my kids since my sister stayed home with the younger kids.

Blair so excited!


Back view

Valerie took some pictures too and sent them my way.

Oscar the crossing guard.  

Easton in his line.

Waiting with Blair in her line.

Both the kids seem to be enjoying school.  I help out in Blair's class every other week.  I was hoping to help out in Easton's class every other week as well but it seems like his teacher doesn't need much help.  

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