Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blakely at 11 months!

Such a bad mommy!  I wish I remember exactly what she was doing at 11 months but honestly it was so long ago that I can't.  I'll try but I might be mixing things up from when she was 12 months.  Oops!  I can't believe that she is almost 13 months!

I do remember that she was teething (working on her top two teeth) when my sister and mom were in town because she wasn't sleeping very well and she was very ornery.

I'm pretty sure that Blakely got the chicken pox.  Poor thing!  At first she had 2 blisters near her mouth which I thought were cold sores.  My sister got cold sores while she was here visiting and Blakely's blisters popped up the day they were leaving (Aug. 24th).  That Thursday she broke out in a rash in her diaper area so of course I assumed she had a diaper rash.  On Saturday morning we were supposed to go to the stake temple day but her diaper rash didn't look like a diaper rash anymore (they were blistering over).  That's when we realized that she had more dots (mainly on her legs and feet) and that she probably had chicken pox.  She was only 3 weeks away from getting the vaccination.

As you can see her hair finally came in and I've started putting her hair in ponytails and pigtails.  It's hard to see in these pictures with the bow I put in her hair that day, but she really does have just enough hair to wrap a hair band around it.  So Cute!  It was a good thing too because she started pulling her headbands (flowers) apart.  For the most part she leaves them alone but every once in a while she'll pull them out!  I think she's learning to just deal with them now.  I think I might actually have a curly haired baby!  It might just turn out to be wavy but there are definitely curls in the back of her head!  I'll need to take a picture of it one of these days!

I'm pretty sure she learned to give high fives.  She loves giving high fives.  She also loved clapping when she or someone did something well.  Usually it was just copying someone else who was clapping.

Right before she turned 12 months she started waving to everyone and everything.  She loved the attention she got when someone would wave back and/or start talking to her.  

She still loves to eat and I still can't figure out where she packs all the food she eats in her little belly.  Blakely started bear crawling (espcially when she was wearing a dress) to get around.

Blakely still takes 2 naps most days.  She is pretty happy most of the time as long as she is fed and Dyer keeps his distance.  I'm still not sure whether that little boy truly LOVES his sister or if he just LOVES to torture her.  Maybe it's both.  It's kind of sad that she almost instantly starts crying/complaining the second she sees him coming towards her.     

I just love this little turkey!

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