Saturday, May 24, 2014

Helping Grandpa mow and Chuck E Cheese

Blair helping Grandpa mow the lawn.  Easton helped too but I didn't get my camera out fast enough to get a picture of him.

Grandpa and Grandma took us to see Nut Job after Chuck E Cheese.  The kids enjoyed it.

Our trip home was a nightmare.  It took forever and we made way too many stops (to see cousins, to switch seats around, Easton throwing up, feeding Blakely, bathroom breaks, food, gas, etc.)  I'm not sure that I will be making a long trip by myself again for a really long time.  

Playing at the park and haircut

Blair and Easton


Blakely's first time on a swing!  She LOVED it!

Blakely on the swing:

My mom started singing and dancing so I of course had to film her.  I guess it is a good thing that she can't view my blog right now....

Then she moved on to this...

Got to love my mom!

Next Miley Cyrus???  Let's hope not!

I had to document this haircut!  I told my mom right before she started how difficult Dyer is.  He never holds still and he just cries/screams and tries to run away from me.  It is usually a two person job.  Not this time!  He sat like a perfect little boy and hardly moved at all.  I swear he did that just to prove me wrong!  

We even got some smiles out of him!  WHAT?!?

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Blakely at 7 months!

Just in time!  Blakely turns 8 months tomorrow so I had to get this post done by today!  Yes, I know I'm a slacker!  Since we were on Vacation I couldn't do the usual monthly shots on the rocking chair.  I had every intention to take some on the rocking chair once we got home but ya that didn't happen....Oops!  At least I did a little photo shoot of her on Easter while Dyer was sleeping.

 She was having a hard time sleeping for a while and I thought she was getting teeth but still no teeth yet!

I thought for sure that she would be moving forward by now but just yesterday she finally moved a few inches forward army crawling.  She does manage to get around by rolling, pushing backwards, turning in circles, and her latest scooting on her butt.  She can actually get pretty far by scooting!  So cute!

She's finally sleeping in her own room now.  As soon as we got home from vacation I finally gave in and separated myself.

I hate that this little girl is growing up way too quickly.  Our neighbor has a little girl that is 2 months older than Blakely.  If you look at the two of them together you would think that Blakely was the older of the two by at least 2 months.

Video of her babbling!
This little girl loves eating and I'm not sure she knows when to stop.  I think she would eat all day if I would let her.  Sometimes I'm impressed by the amount of food this little girl can pack away.  


This is what the kids woke up to Easter morning. Yarn tied all around the house.
Each basket had a certain color yarn tied to it and then that yarn was tied all over Grandma's house.

The kids waiting for Auntie Jana to explain what they were going to have to do to find their basket.

Dyer wasn't ready to get up so he just laid there while the rest of the kids excitedly found their baskets.

Easton went to town and I think was the only one who actually wound up his entire yarn until he found his basket.  I thought for sure he was going to be the first one to find his basket since he was the only one who didn't need any assistance.  

Blair was doing pretty well but ran into some trouble.  That didn't stop her though.  Instead of winding up the  rest of her string, she just followed the string until she found her basket.  Smarty pants!  Blair was the first one to find her basket!

Gma might kill me for taking this picture but how in the world do you sleep through 4 excited kids each trying to find their baskets?  She eventually woke up...

Auntie Jana trying to get Dyer to find his basket.  Ya, he wasn't having any part of it.

Blakely just chilling on the floor.

Easton almost done!

Blair found hers first!

Easton looking through his basket of goodies!

Sorry mom!  Gma helping Blakely with her basket!

Eventually Dyer got around to finding his basket!  Shortly after he went back to sleep.  Party Pooper!

Auntie Jana made a nice Easter breakfast for everyone!

Easter bunny pancakes


Aiden wanted in on the fun!

All ready for church!

After church pictures.  Dyer was still asleep and because he wasn't feeling very well and it was Stake Conference (why they had Stake Conference on Easter I don't know) I decided to let him sleep and we would join everyone once Dyer woke up.

Aaron wanted his picture taken too!

One with me and 4 of my favorite people.  We sure missed Daddy!

One with the cousins.  Aiden changed before we got a picture of them.


We sent the kids outside to play.

Trying to fly their kites.  It was more like run and try to keep your kite off the ground!  Haha!


Blakely getting into everything!

Easter egg hunt!

Don't you just love those chunky legs?

egg hunt!

Blakely found some eggs.

She looks like she is up to something!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Children's Museum and Egg Hunt

We were planning on going to the Oregon Zoo but it started raining (of course) as we were driving there so we decided to hit up the Children's Museum next door instead.  Dyer still wasn't feeling well so he was a stinker most of the time we were there.  Dyer and I (Blakely too) only saw about half the museum because he just cried/pouted and didn't want to do much of anything.  I think everyone else had fun.  Easton and Blair wanted to go back again so they must have had fun.  Thank goodness we went with family so Easton and Blair could enjoy themselves because it would have been a nightmare if we all had to endure Dyer.  Most of the boys went with Jana and the girls went with Jacqui.

Mr. Grumpy Pants

Look at Dyer...Imagine 2+ hours of this (with crying/whiny noises) and that was basically my entire trip to the Children's Museum. Sigh....

One with all the girls (except Jana)!
Me, Blakely, Jac, Mom, Blair, Adisyn, and Ashlyn
Adisyn and Blair
Of course I wasn't building anything right!?! (Thanks Jac for taking and sending me pictures).

Blakely and I.  
It got a little tiring watching Dyer complain about the thing he wanted to build but couldn't build but didn't want help building and didn't want to leave.  Ahhhh!  That boy!  We just finally tuned him out and played with the camera instead!

Finally I convinced him to move on to something less stressful....or so I thought...
Poor dude hurt himself and was back in a bad mood:

Playing with clay.

Back to this room for the third time!

Blair had fun scanning items.  Dyer on the other hand just sat there complaining that he was soooo hungry.  Thank goodness for Gma and getting him a snack!

Water room



He finally seemed like he was having a good time here!  I should have just brought him into this room from the beginning but I just didn't want him to get all wet and be miserable the rest of the day.

Easter Egg Hunt:
My sister Jana put on her own egg hunt at the park just down the street from my mom's house.  She invited a bunch of her friends and asked that each kid bring 6-10 eggs each.  Each kid got to find as many eggs as they brought.  The hunt started out with okay weather, but half way through it started pouring and then hailing.  Crazy!  As soon as the hunt was over everyone jumped into their cars.  Right when I finished buckling the kids in, the rain stopped.  My sister's idea of doing her own hunt was so much better!  We didn't have to fight any crowds and each kid got eggs so everyone left happy!

I snapped a few pictures of the kids even though it was raining.  I got some rain drops on my camera lens so each pictures has a rain spot on it.  




I forgot this little dude was funny.  He passed up several eggs along the way because he had to have specific colors.  They would have all been blue and green but after Blair found all the eggs she could get, she started picking up eggs for Dyer and putting them in his basket.  Such a great sister!  I'm actually surprised that he didn't throw a fit about her helping him.  He was complaining that he was cold and wet though : (

Blakely with Gma