Monday, November 4, 2013


Blair and Dyer got to go trick or treating around our neighborhood with their preschool class.  I got to hand out candy for both classes.

Princess Bride (day before Halloween)

Blair's preschool class all dressed up!

Blair trick or treating

Dyer of course had to go around with Ms. Valerie but he knew he wasn't getting any candy that day.  He had to wait until the next day.

Did you notice Blair rock'n her hips?  Such a sassy little thing!

Another shot of Blair.

Dyer's turn!  He refused to put his hood on!

One with his hood on finally!  He's pretending to be a monster!


I did a little (6 week) photo shoot with Blakely when I thought I lost all my pictures.  I could hardly get her dress on but I was glad I was able to squeeze her in it one last time.  We talked about using this dress as her blessing outfit but I doubt I'll be able to get her in it two weeks from now.

Sweet little thing!

All smiles!

She sure loves that tongue of hers.

Some serious faces!

One with her pacifier

Trick or Treating at the hospital:
Someone that Nathan works with gave us this camo outfit.  Easton wanted to be a solider instead of a knight.

One of just the girls.

Easton in jail!

Easton and Dyer fishing

The kids had a great time Trick or Treating!  Valerie and I wore the boys out.  At 7:45 pm Easton was basically begging to go home.  Luckily we were almost home.  It was a good thing too because I got stuck holding three really heavy pumpkins full of candy!  About half way through Trick or Treating, Dyer had a nice system going on.  He had Valerie carrying him and me carrying his pumpkin between houses.  Once we got to a house he would get down and say, "I need my bucket!"  He would grab his pumpkin go to the door, get his candy and then say, "Mommy, hold my bucket!"  And the cycle would continue.  Such a clever little boy!

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