Saturday, November 2, 2013

Easton's last soccer game and team party

Josh, Caleb, Amari, Nicole, Maddie, Logan, Easton, Levi, Aidan, Aydin, Aaryana, and Addison.

Easton showing me his trophy.

I had a video of his coach saying nice things about Easton but I guess videos weren't part of the recovery process.  That's okay though, I'm just glad that I got my pictures back.  His coach basically said that Easton was probably the smallest kid on his team but he played hard and never gave up.

Easton ended up getting 3 goals this season.  We noticed that he was more interested in playing forward than defense.  He was pretty good at dancing though when he was playing defense.  I had another good video of him dancing (looked like he was doing the moon walk) while he was playing defense in his last game.  

Easton just started flag football this week.  I'm excited to see what fun/cute things he does while playing football!  Stay tuned!

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