Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blakely at ONE Month!

We just LOVE this little girl!  She is sleeping a lot better now which means that I'm sleeping a lot better now.   As Blair would say, "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" Blakely still gets up at least twice a night but the first chunk is about 5-6 hours.  

She is by far my slowest eater but she is gradually getting faster.  She also spits up a lot but not as much as Blair did as a baby.

She LOVES being held and will most likely fall asleep and stay asleep the whole time.  She really likes the carrier I put her in when I walk Easton to and from school every school day.  She falls asleep almost the second I put her in it and generally won't wake up until I try and get her out of the carrier.

I had to add this picture because Blakely is kind of smiling in this picture.  Blakely is smiling more and more each day!  She was definitely giving me a lot of smiles when she was five weeks old!  She is also starting to coo some and she even laughed in her sleep the other night!

Blakely isn't a big fan of the car.  She fights being put in her carseat but once she is in and her pacifier is in she usually calms down.  As soon as I snap her into the base she usually starts crying.  If we are driving in the car and we are stopped at a stop light she almost always will wake up and throw a fit (especially if her pacifier isn't in).  I'm hoping our car trip over Thanksgiving won't be terrible since we should be moving almost the whole time.  Fingers crossed!

 Blakely's eyes are dark grey right now but I'm sure they will turn brown just like Dyer's did!

The swing for the most part is my life saver when I need to get things done.  

Blakely sure is a sweet baby and is still LOVED by everyone!  I caught Easton a couple weeks ago giving her kisses on the head while he was holding her.  Every once in a while I will catch Easton singing to her too!  So Sweet!  Easton basically ignored Blair and Dyer when they were babies so this is a big deal to me.  Blair still smothers her with loves and Dyer always asks to hold her.

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