Saturday, November 9, 2013

Family Pictures

We finally got a free weekend to take family pictures at JCPenney.  We also got Blakely's pictures done (6 weeks) so she could match the kids' yearly pictures.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Larry's Produce

Valerie and I took the kids to a local produce stand to get some fruits and veggies.  Little did we know that they had a pumpkin patch set up with fun things for the kids to do.  I didn't bring my camera so Valerie took a bunch of pictures of the kids on her phone.  They aren't the best quality but these pictures are better than no pictures.  The kids had fun and were sad to leave so soon.  We will have to remember this next year! 

The kids had fun putting the dry corn on the conveyor belt.

Easton spent a lot of time here.

Dyer had fun playing in the corn pit.

Blair in the corn pit.

Easton and Blair collecting corn to put on the conveyor belt.

Dyer helping now too!


Driving the boat

Blair's turn!

Dyer's turn!


Blair and Dyer got to go trick or treating around our neighborhood with their preschool class.  I got to hand out candy for both classes.

Princess Bride (day before Halloween)

Blair's preschool class all dressed up!

Blair trick or treating

Dyer of course had to go around with Ms. Valerie but he knew he wasn't getting any candy that day.  He had to wait until the next day.

Did you notice Blair rock'n her hips?  Such a sassy little thing!

Another shot of Blair.

Dyer's turn!  He refused to put his hood on!

One with his hood on finally!  He's pretending to be a monster!


I did a little (6 week) photo shoot with Blakely when I thought I lost all my pictures.  I could hardly get her dress on but I was glad I was able to squeeze her in it one last time.  We talked about using this dress as her blessing outfit but I doubt I'll be able to get her in it two weeks from now.

Sweet little thing!

All smiles!

She sure loves that tongue of hers.

Some serious faces!

One with her pacifier

Trick or Treating at the hospital:
Someone that Nathan works with gave us this camo outfit.  Easton wanted to be a solider instead of a knight.

One of just the girls.

Easton in jail!

Easton and Dyer fishing

The kids had a great time Trick or Treating!  Valerie and I wore the boys out.  At 7:45 pm Easton was basically begging to go home.  Luckily we were almost home.  It was a good thing too because I got stuck holding three really heavy pumpkins full of candy!  About half way through Trick or Treating, Dyer had a nice system going on.  He had Valerie carrying him and me carrying his pumpkin between houses.  Once we got to a house he would get down and say, "I need my bucket!"  He would grab his pumpkin go to the door, get his candy and then say, "Mommy, hold my bucket!"  And the cycle would continue.  Such a clever little boy!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Easton's last soccer game and team party

Josh, Caleb, Amari, Nicole, Maddie, Logan, Easton, Levi, Aidan, Aydin, Aaryana, and Addison.

Easton showing me his trophy.

I had a video of his coach saying nice things about Easton but I guess videos weren't part of the recovery process.  That's okay though, I'm just glad that I got my pictures back.  His coach basically said that Easton was probably the smallest kid on his team but he played hard and never gave up.

Easton ended up getting 3 goals this season.  We noticed that he was more interested in playing forward than defense.  He was pretty good at dancing though when he was playing defense.  I had another good video of him dancing (looked like he was doing the moon walk) while he was playing defense in his last game.  

Easton just started flag football this week.  I'm excited to see what fun/cute things he does while playing football!  Stay tuned!

Blakely at ONE Month!

We just LOVE this little girl!  She is sleeping a lot better now which means that I'm sleeping a lot better now.   As Blair would say, "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" Blakely still gets up at least twice a night but the first chunk is about 5-6 hours.  

She is by far my slowest eater but she is gradually getting faster.  She also spits up a lot but not as much as Blair did as a baby.

She LOVES being held and will most likely fall asleep and stay asleep the whole time.  She really likes the carrier I put her in when I walk Easton to and from school every school day.  She falls asleep almost the second I put her in it and generally won't wake up until I try and get her out of the carrier.

I had to add this picture because Blakely is kind of smiling in this picture.  Blakely is smiling more and more each day!  She was definitely giving me a lot of smiles when she was five weeks old!  She is also starting to coo some and she even laughed in her sleep the other night!

Blakely isn't a big fan of the car.  She fights being put in her carseat but once she is in and her pacifier is in she usually calms down.  As soon as I snap her into the base she usually starts crying.  If we are driving in the car and we are stopped at a stop light she almost always will wake up and throw a fit (especially if her pacifier isn't in).  I'm hoping our car trip over Thanksgiving won't be terrible since we should be moving almost the whole time.  Fingers crossed!

 Blakely's eyes are dark grey right now but I'm sure they will turn brown just like Dyer's did!

The swing for the most part is my life saver when I need to get things done.  

Blakely sure is a sweet baby and is still LOVED by everyone!  I caught Easton a couple weeks ago giving her kisses on the head while he was holding her.  Every once in a while I will catch Easton singing to her too!  So Sweet!  Easton basically ignored Blair and Dyer when they were babies so this is a big deal to me.  Blair still smothers her with loves and Dyer always asks to hold her.

Ward Halloween Party

So Nathan is basically my hero and figured out a way to get back all my deleted pictures.  It only cost us some money to do it but in my opinion so worth it!  YAY!!! Back to blogging we go....

Our Ward Halloween Party was really early this year (Oct.12th).  The kids had a fun time playing games and getting candy!

Queen Ashley, Fairy Princess Blakely, Knight Easton, Princess Blair, and Dragon Dyer
Nathan had to work that day so he came a little later.

Valerie made Blakely's costume.  Didn't she do such a great job?

Valerie with the kids.  Valerie was a fairy Godmother (if you ask Dyer, she was a good witch).

The King finally arrived!

Second time I got Valerie to hold Blakely!  Nathan went to get food and my shirt (sparkles) kept scratching poor Blakely's face.  I had to hand her off so I wouldn't hurt her anymore.

Family Picture!  This was the best one we got!

One with Valerie of course!