Friday, April 19, 2013

Easton riding his bike!

We got Easton a bike for his 3rd birthday but for whatever reason he really didn't have much desire to ride his bike.  In fact we only got him on his bike a handful of times.  I thought if we took the training wheels off that he would get excited about riding a big kid bike.  That was short lived and the bike got put away.  

One of our neighbors (Dallyn) gave Easton their old bike and he was excited about riding it but Nathan accidentally popped the tire while pumping it up so again the bike got put away.

Another neighbor (Alex) gave Easton his old bike, and although it is a little too big for Easton, it got him really excited to learn to ride it.  Nathan took him out right away and they started practicing.  I think it helped that two neighbor boys were out riding their bikes too!  

Video of Easton riding for the first time with daddy's help:

Another video:

This is what the rest of the crew were doing while Nathan was helping Easton:

The kids love playing in Valerie's truck.  Dyer could stay in there all day if we would let him.  The kids are constantly climbing in and out of the window to get from the cab to the bed of the truck.

Video of Blair and Dyer in the bed of the truck:

About a week later Easton finally was able to do this...

We put him back on his old bike because he can't start and get off very well by himself (yet) on the bike Alex gave him.  Easton's old bike is too small for him but he has better control on it.  We just need to fix the tires on the bike that Dallyn gave him and Easton will be set for a while.

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