Thursday, April 18, 2013

Children's Museum

Our local library was giving away free or discounted tickets online to some places in the San Francisco Bay area.  I don't know if they do this every year and if so I don't know for how long.  When I found out about it, it seemed like the tickets were only good for the last few days of March.  Each person could get up to two free or discounted family tickets.  I decided to get some to the Children's Museum in Berkeley and the Aquarium of the Bay.  We decided to make a day of it and go to both places.  Even though the places were free we easily spent over $70 for tolls, parking, and food!  We saved $46 for the Children's Museum and $50 for the aquarium.  I still can't believe how expensive these places are.  Thank goodness we got in for free!

Children's Museum:
We stayed there for 2 hours and the kids had a blast.  They probably could have easily stayed another 30-60 minutes but it was lunch time and Mamma Bear was hungry.  We had a little pee accident that happened right when we got there (we couldn't find a bathroom in time).  It put a little damper on things but once we got everything cleaned up we all had a great time.  Good thing Blair was wearing a dress that day!  It made it a lot easier to clean her up and you couldn't even notice she had wet but clean underwear on.

Train Table:  I think this was Dyer favorite with the water area as a close second.

Grocery/diner area:  I'm pretty sure its safe to say that this was Blair's favorite.  I basically had to drag her out of this area several times to make sure she got to most of the museum.  I knew she would throw a fit if we left the museum and she didn't get to go anywhere else even though she was having a blast here.

Blair would pack the grocery cart to the very top.

Dyer preferred to drive the cart around instead of filling it.

Easton liked the cash register and the money!

Even Nathan got in on the action and played with Blair.

Firefighter area:
Dyer driving the truck!

Easton all ready to put out a fire.


Blair had fun putting crayon paints on me.  Luckily she didn't put any blue on me because we couldn't get the blue crayon off of Easton for anything!

Easton painted his own face.  This was actually mellower than it ended up being.

Water area:

Easton and Dyer

Video of Dyer:

 Painting area:
Blair painting

 Blair's artwork!  I had her sign her name.  Yes, it is backwards but she got all the letters right!

Easton's artwork!

Easton and Dyer painting sea creatures.

Blair playing with playdough.

We didn't get to everything but the kids had a blast and want to go back again some other time!

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