Friday, April 19, 2013

18 Weeks!

I finally took some pictures of my baby belly!

My 20 week ultrasound is set for April 29th so we should know for sure if baby #4 is definitely a GIRL!

I've updated my blog a lot over the last two days so make sure to check them out!

Easton riding his bike!

We got Easton a bike for his 3rd birthday but for whatever reason he really didn't have much desire to ride his bike.  In fact we only got him on his bike a handful of times.  I thought if we took the training wheels off that he would get excited about riding a big kid bike.  That was short lived and the bike got put away.  

One of our neighbors (Dallyn) gave Easton their old bike and he was excited about riding it but Nathan accidentally popped the tire while pumping it up so again the bike got put away.

Another neighbor (Alex) gave Easton his old bike, and although it is a little too big for Easton, it got him really excited to learn to ride it.  Nathan took him out right away and they started practicing.  I think it helped that two neighbor boys were out riding their bikes too!  

Video of Easton riding for the first time with daddy's help:

Another video:

This is what the rest of the crew were doing while Nathan was helping Easton:

The kids love playing in Valerie's truck.  Dyer could stay in there all day if we would let him.  The kids are constantly climbing in and out of the window to get from the cab to the bed of the truck.

Video of Blair and Dyer in the bed of the truck:

About a week later Easton finally was able to do this...

We put him back on his old bike because he can't start and get off very well by himself (yet) on the bike Alex gave him.  Easton's old bike is too small for him but he has better control on it.  We just need to fix the tires on the bike that Dallyn gave him and Easton will be set for a while.

Fairy Tale Town

I've wanted to take the kids back to this place for a while now and we finally got a change during spring break.  The kids definitely had a fun time.

Pirate ship

There was an old lady who lived in a shoe...



Video of the kids:

Inside the tepee

Getting a drink!

sliding from a barn.


Driving a train.

Blair and Easton

Easton and Blair

Video of Princess Blair:
Blair just got finished arguing with some girls about who was a princess and what princess they were.

Inside some cheese.

Video of Easton and Blair singing and dancing on top of the cheese:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Aquarium of the Bay

Before we headed to San Francisco we grabbed some pizza and headed to a local park.  Nathan and I tried some crazy pizza (asparagus, peas, lemon vinaigrette,etc-not sure what was all on it) from the Cheese Board.  It was actually pretty good!  This pizza place only makes and serves one type of pizza everyday.  It changes daily but you can only get whatever the pizza of the day is.  We knew the kids wouldn't eat that type of pizza so we got them some cheese pizza from another pizzeria.

As we were leaving the park, Blair ran ahead of us towards a busy street!  I yelled for her to stop but of course she continued to do what she wanted to do.  When we caught up with her I gave her a nice swat on the butt and put her in a time out.  She threw a huge temper tantrum and wouldn't listen to anyone.  I told her I was going to tape her so she could see how ridiculous she looked.  It didn't help completely but it did calm her down enough for us to talk to her about listening and being safe.

Video of Blair:

Checking out the fish.

Video of Dyer:



Video of Dyer:


Blair touching a starfish.

Easton and Blair touching a starfish.

Sealions at pier 39.

Children's Museum

Our local library was giving away free or discounted tickets online to some places in the San Francisco Bay area.  I don't know if they do this every year and if so I don't know for how long.  When I found out about it, it seemed like the tickets were only good for the last few days of March.  Each person could get up to two free or discounted family tickets.  I decided to get some to the Children's Museum in Berkeley and the Aquarium of the Bay.  We decided to make a day of it and go to both places.  Even though the places were free we easily spent over $70 for tolls, parking, and food!  We saved $46 for the Children's Museum and $50 for the aquarium.  I still can't believe how expensive these places are.  Thank goodness we got in for free!

Children's Museum:
We stayed there for 2 hours and the kids had a blast.  They probably could have easily stayed another 30-60 minutes but it was lunch time and Mamma Bear was hungry.  We had a little pee accident that happened right when we got there (we couldn't find a bathroom in time).  It put a little damper on things but once we got everything cleaned up we all had a great time.  Good thing Blair was wearing a dress that day!  It made it a lot easier to clean her up and you couldn't even notice she had wet but clean underwear on.

Train Table:  I think this was Dyer favorite with the water area as a close second.

Grocery/diner area:  I'm pretty sure its safe to say that this was Blair's favorite.  I basically had to drag her out of this area several times to make sure she got to most of the museum.  I knew she would throw a fit if we left the museum and she didn't get to go anywhere else even though she was having a blast here.

Blair would pack the grocery cart to the very top.

Dyer preferred to drive the cart around instead of filling it.

Easton liked the cash register and the money!

Even Nathan got in on the action and played with Blair.

Firefighter area:
Dyer driving the truck!

Easton all ready to put out a fire.


Blair had fun putting crayon paints on me.  Luckily she didn't put any blue on me because we couldn't get the blue crayon off of Easton for anything!

Easton painted his own face.  This was actually mellower than it ended up being.

Water area:

Easton and Dyer

Video of Dyer:

 Painting area:
Blair painting

 Blair's artwork!  I had her sign her name.  Yes, it is backwards but she got all the letters right!

Easton's artwork!

Easton and Dyer painting sea creatures.

Blair playing with playdough.

We didn't get to everything but the kids had a blast and want to go back again some other time!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Egg Hunt and April Fools

Right before the 2-3 year old egg hunt

I took the kids to an egg hunt on base.  They didn't have an egg hunt for Dyer's age so I just put him in with Blair's age group.  Blair and Dyer were afraid of the Easter Bunny so they were hesitant to go out and collect eggs when the hunt began.  Luckily the bunny started going to the other side of the field right after the hunt began so Blair was brave enough to go and get some and she made a killing too!  She was really smart.  Most kids work from the outside in (grabbing eggs as they come to them) which causes them to compete with each other.  Blair on the other hand raced to the center where no one was and had tons of eggs to herself.  

Dyer ended up with two eggs and that was because they were right next to where I was standing.  He wouldn't leave my side in fear the bunny might get him.  

Blair shared some of her eggs with Dyer and a friend that didn't make it there in time.  We tried giving some more away to another friend that only got one egg but her mom told me she would just share with her brother once he got some eggs.  Most of the eggs had candy in them but there were a good amount that had a paper in them to claim a prize.  Seriously I  think Blair had half the prizes in her eggs.  She got a bubble set, two squirt guns, a sand bucket, and a kitty key chain.    

Unfortunately I didn't get  a picture of Easton with his eggs.  That's probably a good thing since he was pretty upset after the hunt.  He ended up not getting any eggs.  He took it better than I thought he would have.  He didn't cry but I could tell he was holding back the tears.  Luckily, they had someone going around and gave eggs to those kids who didn't get any.  That cheered Easton up right away!  Easton definitely wasn't the only kid in that hunt that didn't get a single egg.  Looking at the amount of eggs they had on the field and the amount of kids in the hunt I would have been surprised if there would have been enough eggs for each kid to get even one.  I think they put way too many in the 2-3 year old hunt and didn't have enough for the 4-6 year old hunt.  If I would have known I probably would have saved some of Blair's eggs but after waiting over 30 minutes for Easton's hunt to start Blair and Dyer ate all the candy.  Oops!

I totally forgot to take pictures of the kids on Easter!  I'm not entirely sure how that happened, but I didn't even think about it until later in the day.  I guess that is what happens when your pregnant and all on your own for church (Nathan had to work).  The kids looked cute all matching though.  Maybe I'll get a picture of them another Sunday.  I still haven't gotten a single picture of my baby belly yet and I'm 17 weeks!  I need to fix that!

  April Fools Day:

I played a little trick on Easton and Blair for April Fools Day.  I made them ostrich eggs (vanilla pudding and peaches) for breakfast.  I took videos of the kids but they are too long to post on the blog.  Easton wouldn't try it which wasn't a surprise since he doesn't like eggs but his expressions were pretty good!  He was totally grossed out just looking at it.  Blair was a little skeptical at first but eventually tried it and liked it!  Once I told Easton what the egg was made up of he wanted just the peaches.  Easton didn't like the fact that I "lied" to him.  He definitely gave me a lecture about lying.  We've been having problems with Easton and Blair telling the truth recently so I got an ear full of my own medicine.  On the plus side at least I know the kids are listening to what I'm saying even if they aren't putting it into practice.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Child Family Visit

My sister and her family came to visit for a few days.  It was great to see them and the trip definitely went by way too fast.

 Friday: Girls Shopping Trip/Park
We went shopping at the outlets for a few hours before we had to pick Easton up from school.  Bradyn was nice enough to watch Kadyn, Dyer, and Adisyn so we didn't have to bring everyone shopping.

We also went to the park until we left because of a bunch of crazy teenagers.

Dyer and I riding a tandem trike.

 Saturday: Day at the Zoo!
The boys!

The girls!

Posing with the lion.

Looking at some monkeys (Dyer's favorite!)

I like how everyone in jac's fam (minus Ashlyn) is kissing? a goose.

Easton crawling through meerkat hole.

Adisyn and I

Dyer hitching a ride on the tortoise.

Video of the kids at the petting zoo:

Blair giving Ashlyn a ride on the tractor.

Video of Blair pushing Easton around on the tractor:

Easton and Dyer


Videos of the kangaroos:

Polar Bear

Uncle Brandyn giving Dyer a shoulder ride.


Auntie Jacqui's turn to give Dyer a shoulder ride.

Brandyn watched all the kids so Jac and I could go and get a pedicure.  Thanks Brandyn!

Sunday we had a "special" stake conference (we already had stake conference earlier this year) where we got to hear from Elder Quentin L. Cook.  

Monday: Egg Hunt
Jac and Brandyn went to 6 flags while I watched all the kids.  I thought it might be fun for them to have something to do so I did an egg hunt for them.  They were all pretty excited!

The door bell rang and this is what they found!

Kadyn and Ashlyn with their eggs.

Blair and her eggs.

Dyer found an egg!

Easton got a couple!  He wasn't in any hurry to get outside so he only got a couple.

 I think Kadyn was the most excited about the egg hunt!  

I hope you all had fun!  Come back and visit again!