Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Point Reyes

Nate had President's day off so we decided to take the family to Point Reyes to see the elephant seals.  This has been something that Nate has wanted to do since we moved out here.  Valerie came along since she has never been there before.  It was definitely on the cold side (wind anyways) but we still had a great time.  Easton and I got car sick on the way out there (windy roads) but we eventually recovered and had a great time too!

Waiting for the tour bus.  Peek a boo!

Sweet little Blair Bear!  
Valerie let her borrow her bandana because Blair's ears were sooo cold from all the wind.

It was so beautiful there.

When we got there we got on a tour bus and the first stop was to the lighthouse.  You are allowed to walk to the light house but the only problem is once you walk down to the lighthouse you have to walk back up.  It is 308 stairs!  That doesn't include the two ramps!  I was very impressed that both Easton and Blair did all those stairs by themselves!

View about half way down the stairs.

The lighthouse was a lot smaller than I was imagining.  

See the top of that cliff?  Yep, that is what we had to climb after looking at the lighthouse.  


Blair and Easton had fun climbing!  Once we got to the top I read a sign that said something along the lines of  do not climb for your safety.  Oops!  They had fun and thankfully no one got hurt!

Isn't that view amazing?

After the lighthouse the bus took us to see the elephant seals.  I thought we would be able to see them a lot better but it was still neat to see them and their funky noses!

elephant seals

Easton checking out the elephant seals.

Such funny noses!

Talking a swim.

You can hear just how crazy windy it was!

All the seals on the beach.  

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