Thursday, February 21, 2013

San Francisco Zoo

We took the whole family down to the San Francisco Zoo.  The weather was sunny and perfect and the kids were pretty well behaved.  Which definitely makes it a great day! 

The kids outside the zoo waiting for Daddy to buy the tickets.

Dyer getting excited about the zebras!

Video of Dyer:

Our first stop was to watch the bears get fed.  We had to wait awhile but we got front row seats and it was definitely neat to watch.  

Video of the bears:

This just shows how close we were.

sea lion


Dyer riding a dinosaur

Video of Dyer:

Video of Easton and Blair rock climbing:
I like how Dyer kept going over there and getting his finger stepped on.

Blair rock climbing

Easton digging for dinosaur bones.


Video of the monkeys:

Easton and Dyer checking out the monkeys.

Video of my little monkey:

Easton and Blair



Dyer, Easton and Blair

Dyer petting the goat.  This goat just sat right down on that bench.

Video of Dyer petting the goat:

Dyer riding a tractor.  He was trying to find Blair so she could get on the other one.

Easton climbing on the spider web.

Dyer trying to keep up with the big kids.

Blair (crazy hair girl!)

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