Sunday, February 26, 2023

Blakely basketball

Blakely's age group couldn't full court press or steal the ball.  The hoop was slightly lower.  I think Blakely would have benefited with a hoop at the regular height.  There were many times when she over shot the basket!

First basket!
I wasn't able to go to Blakely's first game because Dyer had a football game that was about an hour away and Nathan was working.  A friend of Blakely's, who is also on her team, was kind enough to take her.  Her mom was able to get her basket on film for me!


She scores!





Tips the ball for a steal

At the end of the season Blakely's coach asked if Blakely would like to play on a traveling team with her daughter and a couple other girls on her team.  They would be playing at a 4th grade level though.  Blakely decided she wanted to.

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