Sunday, May 23, 2021
Eden at 11 months

Broken ankle
Happy Birthday to Nathan!
Sunday, May 16, 2021
KK gets her ears pierced
Blair was begging me to take her to Claire's to get new earrings. On the way there Blair and Blakely of course convince KK that she wants to get her ears pierced because she is 4 now (same age Blair and Blakely got theirs done). I figured the chances of the store having two people there that could pierce them at the same time would be slim so I agreed as long as two people could do it. I wasn't against KK getting her ears pierced but she hasn't ever said she wanted to get her ears pierced or begged me like Blair and Blakely did. Plus I was really nervous getting her ears pierced one at a time like Blair and Blakely did because knowing her personality if she didn't like the first ear getting pierced there would be no way to convince her to get the second one done.
Of course they had two people there that day that could pierce her ears so we ended up doing it!
She actually did really well and surprisingly she probably could have done them one at a time. Later that day though she told me that she didn't want earrings anymore...well, sorry dude but they are there to stay now!
Eden 10 months
It looks like we might have another unique "crawler". We finally got a little bit of movement this month! It's definitely not a traditional crawl but I guess we will take it! Videos are at the end of the post.

End of February

Blakely made some chocolate yummies!
McKinley turns 4!

McKinley also got money from Gpa and Gma Whiting and auntie Kim and uncle Merlin