Sunday, May 23, 2021

Eden at 11 months

Eden has finally figured out how to crawl the more traditional way!  She still reverts back to other ways of crawling but she seems happier now that she can get around a little bit faster now by herself.  She still prefers someone to hold her and carry her around though.

She is definitely a mommy's girl (for now).  If she sees me she wants me.  She'll go to others temporarily but she prefers to be in my arms.  Blair's probably 2nd best.  If I'm not around she definitely favors Blair (mini mommy).
Taking pictures is a little more tricky now that she is moving around and wants me!

She still takes 2 naps a day.  If she gets woken up by McKinley and only gets a short nap she might take a 3rd nap.

I love her tongue pictures!  She doesn't do it very often anymore though!

She is doing much better at sleeping through the night.  Most days I would say she sleeps until 6:30 am but she still gets up at least once a night 2-3 times a week.

She is eating most everything that we eat now!  She loves all things cheese.  Unfortunately it doesn't love her on the other end.  I might have her potty trained early when going #2 because she strains so much when going that I can get her on the toilet in plenty of time...(TMI)  We are adding a lot more fruits and veggies now!

Finally crawling standard way

Teething can be rough!  She was running a fever and just wanted me to hold her.

Baby cuddles are the best!

She fell asleep sitting up!

Broken ankle

Nathan sure knows how to make his last year in his 30's exciting...

Most Saturdays Nathan and the four oldest kids go over to the park to play ultimate frisbee with some friends from our ward.  Nathan just happened to get a new frisbee for his birthday three days before and was excited to try it out.  He got to the park a little late because he was on call at the hospital.  Less than an hour later some of the kids come home (about 30 min earlier than they normally do) but I didn't think much of it.  After about 5 minutes of them being home I ask where Nathan and Blair are.  I think it was Dyer that answered, "Oh, he got hurt but I think someone is bringing him home."  WHAT?!?  Why didn't anyone bother to tell me when they got home?  As I'm about to go out the door to go get them Blair walks through the door and Nathan is right behind her.

Nathan sits down and says that he needs me to drive him to the ER to hopefully get crutches.  He says he doesn't think it is broken but he definitely can't walk on it.  After a few hours in the ER it turned out that he did in fact break his ankle.  A few days later he found out that he needed to get surgery.  It was a pretty crazy few weeks!

He was super excited when his knee scooter finally came!  He hated using the crutches.

Chillin at the park while the kids play.

Happy Birthday to Nathan!


Last year in his 30's!

We celebrated by going to an escape room.  It was a first for all of us.  We did a Sherlock Holmes room.  We beat it with about 2 minutes to spare.   

Blakely was pretty excited about how big she was able to blow this balloon up.

Fun and Food


Blakey and McKinley wanted to play Chow Crown.

Blakely and Dyer decided to make angel food cake for their miscellaneous activity. 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

KK gets her ears pierced

Blair was begging me to take her to Claire's to get new earrings.  On the way there Blair and Blakely of course convince KK that she wants to get her ears pierced because she is 4 now (same age Blair and Blakely got theirs done).  I figured the chances of the store having two people there that could pierce them at the same time would be slim so I agreed as long as two people could do it.  I wasn't against KK getting her ears pierced but she hasn't ever said she wanted to get her ears pierced or begged me like Blair and Blakely did.  Plus I was really nervous getting her ears pierced one at a time like Blair and Blakely did because knowing her personality if she didn't like the first ear getting pierced there would be no way to convince her to get the second one done.


Of course they had two people there that day that could pierce her ears so we ended up doing it!  

She actually did really well and surprisingly she probably could have done them one at a time.  Later that day though she told me that she didn't want earrings anymore...well, sorry dude but they are there to stay now!



Eden 10 months

 It looks like we might have another unique "crawler".  We finally got a little bit of movement this month! It's definitely not a traditional crawl but I guess we will take it!  Videos are at the end of the post.

Eden for the most part is a very happy baby.  However when she is tired she definitely lets you know it!  If you see her rubbing her eyes you have a very short window to get her down or else she becomes angry.  She will start hitting/slapping/clawing and often will grab a fist full of your face or arm, tighten her grip and start shaking while screaming and crying.  Not a pretty sight but luckily an easy fix! She seems to really enjoy taking her naps and she hardly ever fusses when I put her down for a nap.

I thought I could quickly get some pictures before her nap but boy was I wrong!  She was not having it!

After feeding her she fell asleep almost instantly!

She only got a little cat nap (about 15 minutes) before KK came in the room and accidently woke her up...

It was apparently enough though because she was back to her happy self!

She's getting a lot of teeth!  I'm guessing this is why she keeps getting up because her teeth are bothering her.

Everything else seems to be about the same as last month.

End of February

First time making macaroni and cheese!
A couple nice things about mandatory miscellaneous school work is I get pictures of Dyer (he hates getting his picture taken but his teacher wants proof so we have to take pictures) and the kids are learning to cook and bake more!

Making Eden laugh and trying to do high 5's.

High 5's

KK learning to do cartwheels.

KK making Eden laugh.

Poufy hair

McKinley got a haircut!
Her bangs finally grew out so I was able to cut her hair even with her bangs.

Kiwi crate!

Blakely made some chocolate yummies!

McKinley turns 4!

McKinley was excited for her birthday for at least a month!  Everyday she would tell me something new she wanted for her birthday and it changed frequently!  One day she wanted cake, the next cupcakes.  Other days she wanted chocolate cake and some days she wanted rainbow.  I think the only thing that stayed consistent was the fact she wanted a mermaid party!  Unfortunately I couldn't find a mermaid piñata so we settled for a fish.


I was going crazy with all the changes she kept making so I ended up buying both chocolate and confetti cake mixes so I could hopefully please her last minute decision.  It's a good thing I did because the pull apart cupcake mermaid tail I was making called for 24 cupcakes.  The only problem was neither cake mix actually made 24 cupcakes like it said they would and it wasn't even close to 24 either.  I think one made 20 and the other made 19.  I was only filling them half full too!  I feel like KK got everything she asked for chocolate and rainbow (confetti) cupcakes and when put together kind of looks like a cake.  Who would have thought that I would have been able to check off all the boxes?

The only complaint she had was she only got a mermaid tail...I guess she was expecting the whole mermaid!  Nathan told me to just grab a doll and just stick it on top but I thought it wouldn't look right so she only got a tail. 

Etch A Sketch and moneyfrom Gpa and Gma Earnest

Water bottle from Gpa and Gma Uehling


Little Mermaid Legos

Barbie baby mermaid

Clothes and books from Valerie

McKinley also got money from Gpa and Gma Whiting and auntie Kim and uncle Merlin