Sunday, September 20, 2020

Eden's baby blessing

We blessed Eden on July 26, 2020.  Because of COVID we blessed her at home.  A perk of COVID is that we were able to have family there via ZOOM.  Too bad we weren't able to do this with any of our other kids.  Our family really haven't be able to participate with most of our kids' blessings and baptisms because we haven't lived very close to anyone.  It was nice that many were able to attend.

Nathan's grandparents were able to come in person.  Nathan recently got called into the bishopric so his grandpa was able to ordain him to high priest the same day as Eden's blessing.

It was also nice that Roger and Valerie came as well!  Valerie made Eden's blessing dress.  Thanks Valerie!  I love it! 


Eden's middle name is Valerie.

She sure LOVES her tongue! 

Princess Eden


These four just love and adore each other!  I think they are going to be the best of friends when they get older!

I got them all matching pajamas for Christmas and since Eden was born I've been wanting to take this picture!  I realized that Eden was about to outgrow these pajamas soon so i needed to get a picture right away!

Eden at 3 months!

 The day before she turned 3 months old she slept from 10:30-4:30.  6 wonderful hours!

She still likes to eat every 2-3 hours and she still spits up a lot!  All her pajamas smell really bad around her neckline even though they have been washed.  I guess it is a good thing that she is the last baby because they will need to be burned when she is done with them!

She is in size 1 diapers but will probably need to move up to size 2 soon.  She is wearing 3 month clothes but also wearing some 3-6 month clothes and a few 0-3 month clothes still.

The day after she turned 3 months old she did a little giggle when I was on the phone with my mom.  She's not the easiest to get to giggle.  She'll do a start of a giggle but she hasn't had a full on giggle yet.  It's like she is holding it in.

When I put her on tummy time she turns over a few seconds later.  She usually rolls to the right but there have been a couple times where she has rolled to the left.

Eden is such a happy baby!  She loves cooing and smiling at anyone that will give her attention!

End of the summer

 We didn't do a whole lot this summer because of COVID.  With a new baby I was worried about getting out and doing much of anything.

We played games and did summer school.

Curled hair and on some days colored hair.
I bought the girls sponge rod curlers.

Swam in Valerie's pool!  The middle four went over there usually at least once a week to swim.

This particular day Eden and I hung out pool side while we were waiting for Easton and Blair to get done with their School of Rock rehearsal.

Arts and crafts!
Dyer and I worked on this guitar for School of Rock!
The girls had fun making soap and slime.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Tie dye

 Blair was so excited when her birthday gift finally came from Grandma and Grandpa Earnest.  My mom always plans ahead and I'm pretty sure she ordered this a couple weeks before Blair's birthday but because of COVID it took forever to ship.  About a month after her birthday it finally got here!

Getting all set up!


Easton, Dyer, Blair, and Nathan

I forgot to get pictures of Blakely, McKinley, Eden, and myself.  

Finished products:

This was actually Easton's shirt but once he realized the color was coral instead of orange he didn't want it he gave it to Blair

Nathan helped her

Blair actually helped KK make hers.

Blair made one for Eden too!

I tired to made a heart in the middle of my shirt but it didn't work out as well as I would have liked.

Dyer's, Blair's, and Nathan's (Nathan tried to make an American flag).

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Easton and Dyer

7 Nation Army

Wild Thing

Some of the songs Easton has been working on:

Crazy Train

House of the Rising Sun

Easton made this song up.





 This girl is all SASS!  She is hilarious and oh so cute!  Too bad I don't update my blog very often because she says the funniest things all the time. 

She dressed up so we could go on a walk!

She loves dressing up and changing her outfit all the time!  At the same time she loves just being in her underwear!  This particular day she decided to dress up as a Hogwart student.

See what I mean about the Sass!  She wanted her hair tips pink so Blair made it happen!

For the most part she LOVES being a big sister.  The other day she told me she didn't want a baby sister anymore but I think she has just been feeling left out recently.  It's been a whirlwind trying to juggle everything since school started.  Easton's doing distance learning with the high school.  Blair started out doing independent study with Dyer and Blakely but after about a week we decided to homeschool her instead.  Between bouncing around helping each kid with their school work and feeding Eden, I think McKinley has been feeling left out and hasn't been getting the attention she usually gets.  It's been hard on her.

Sleeping in my bed...That's all the room I got when she came in that night.  She practically took over my pillow.

Naps are very rare these days.  After she swam at Valerie's she came home and fell asleep during screen time.  

Such a performer!


More Eden

Easton likes to dip Eden

Wearing her new outfit from Gma Gretch

Blair and Eden

Someone found her hands (fist) - July 1st

Happy Baby

Tummy time turned into nap time!

Sporting her new blanket from Gma Earnest