Sunday, June 28, 2020

Eden at 1 month!

Eden sleeps a lot during the day!  She is pretty consistent about waking up every two hours to eat (even at night).  The only problem is keeping her awake to get enough to eat.  

She is most awake around 10 pm (right about when I'm ready for bed)...It's a good thing she is so cute!

She usually wakes up between 5-6 am grunting.  This poor girl is so gassy!  By the time she gets all the gas out and/or finally gets all her poop out it is usually around 7-8 am (right when the other kids start getting up) so I don't get much sleep after 6 am...
Eden is known as the poopy machine!  I've never met a child that poops as much as this child does!  Also, I've never known a child that goes through as many diapers as she does.  My record is 4 diapers in one diaper change.  It's not uncommon to use 2 diapers for each diaper change.  I swear she likes to start her deed in one diaper and finish in a clean one.  And it doesn't matter how long you wait between changing her because she won't finish until that new diaper is on.  You can change her right away thinking there possible can't be anything more inside such a little girl or you can wait 15 or so minutes because you are on to her and she is not going to trick you this time.  But either way the second you get her clothes back on...BOOM she does it again! She is going to poop us out of house and home!   

She does really well with tummy time!  In fact I almost think she prefers being on her tummy then on her back.  She has a really strong neck!

She loves her bouncy chair especially when the vibrate is on.  She also likes her swing but seems to prefer the bouncy chair.  If she had it her way though she would prefer to be held. 

Eden also likes the Moby wrap.  Almost the second I put her in it to go on walks she is out!

Eden is so little!  She is still in newborn diapers and newborn clothes.

Eden is such a wiggle worm.  In the picture above you can see that her foot is hanging out of her outfit.  You might think that this was just a fluke but I swear every time she wore this outfit at least one foot found its way out.  Most of the time when she is wearing pjs she will wiggle her legs/feet up to her torso inside her pjs and get them stuck.  When she kicks her feet or tries to stretch them out she ends up pulling on the crouch part which then pulls around her neck/shoulders and she gets so frustrated!
She even managed to wiggle her legs out of this swaddle blanket!  I think she might be the next Houdini!

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