Sunday, November 12, 2017

Blakely's day with Beckham

Blakely got to spend almost a whole day with her friend, Beckham.  Beckham's mom (Kim) went out of town for the weekend so she asked if I could watch Beckham while her husband (Brian) was at work.  After Beckham got picked up we all went to the beach for the evening.

I took the kids to soccer in the morning.

Beckham is a smooth one...

Should I be concerned that he is holding her hand???

When we were driving home from McDonald's, Beckham says, "Blakely, I just love you with all my heart!"  Blakely's response was, "What!?! That's weird!"  To which Beckham says, "My mom says that I can love her with all my heart and I can love you with all my heart!"   

Cuddling with each other....

Haha!  Beckham fell asleep.

My girls!

Blakely and Beckham

My boys!


It's nice that she rocks herself in her carseat!

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