Sunday, November 12, 2017

Another random post

Blair started Ballet the beginning of September.  She really seems to be enjoying it!

Busting out the ice cream maker that Nathan got for my birthday!  We sure LOVE ice cream in this family!

Blakely says the funniest things!  Here she has a wand and is saying, "Ex-smelly armpits!"  She's trying to say a disarming charm "Expelliarmus!"from Harry Potter. 

We took all the kids to the High school football game.

This is basically what it was like for us during Hurricane Irma.  We really lucked out!

On our way home from Piano lessons later that night Blair and I noticed a beautiful rainbow.  Blair said, "That song was right.  After a hurricane, comes a rainbow!"  Once we got home I snapped this picture.  

Blakely's poor toe!  We still don't know what happened to it but it is basically healed now.  

Cute Blair bear cheering on her brother!

The kids  one evening came up with their own play called "Cats". 

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