Sunday, November 12, 2017

Blakely's day with Beckham

Blakely got to spend almost a whole day with her friend, Beckham.  Beckham's mom (Kim) went out of town for the weekend so she asked if I could watch Beckham while her husband (Brian) was at work.  After Beckham got picked up we all went to the beach for the evening.

I took the kids to soccer in the morning.

Beckham is a smooth one...

Should I be concerned that he is holding her hand???

When we were driving home from McDonald's, Beckham says, "Blakely, I just love you with all my heart!"  Blakely's response was, "What!?! That's weird!"  To which Beckham says, "My mom says that I can love her with all my heart and I can love you with all my heart!"   

Cuddling with each other....

Haha!  Beckham fell asleep.

My girls!

Blakely and Beckham

My boys!


It's nice that she rocks herself in her carseat!

Library Carnival

The library was celebrating it's birthday so they put on a carnival for the kids!  The boys had football practice that night but I decided I would take the girls.  Dyer was a little upset when he found out they went without him. 

Blair's friend, Kiera, was there too!

Dyer the drummer!

Valerie was so kind to send Dyer a drum set...I can't even imagine how much that cost her to send it to him.  I think it is safe to say that Dyer is ridiculously spoiled!

I believe this little man is pretty excited about his new toy!

Blakely turns 4!

Blakely loves unicorns!  For the longest time she would pray everyday, "thank you for horses, ponies, and unicorns!"  I thought it would be fun to go with a unicorn theme this year. 

Here's the cake I made for her!

She wanted chocolate donuts for breakfast.  She couldn't wait long enough for us to light a candle and sing to her...

Blowing out her candle! 

So excited that it was her birthday and was a little disappointed that she had to wait until her siblings came home from school to celebrate!

Opening gifts!

$ from Valerie and Grandpa and Grandma Whting

Wonder woman from Gma Whiting

Unicorn fairy princess dress up set from Grandma Gretch and Grandpa Jerry

Cake time!

Dressing up with Blair bear!  Blair was the fairy princess' unicorn.

Blakely opted to have her birthday party when Valerie was in town.  I'm not sure she realized how long that was going to be.  

McKinley turns 7 months!

I'm not sure how it happened but somehow I spaced taking 7 month pictures (photo shoot) of McKinley.  I still love you baby girl!  
She loves sitting up and seeing everything around her.  I have to bring her all over the place with me, but as long as she is sitting next to my feet she is generally pretty content!

She is definitely a mommy's girl (for now anyways!)  I'll take it!

She's starting to move a little backward when she is on her tummy!

McKinley wasn't feeling very well and was having a hard time sleeping by herself.  She got a lot of snuggles during this time!
She is still sleeping in our room!  She still isn't sleeping through the night consistently.    

She finally had her Dr. Appointment.  She's almost in the 30th percentile for weight (almost 16 lbs) and 76th percentile for height (27 inches).  Her head is in the 37th percentile.  I still laugh thinking that Dyer thinks they both have a huge head!  It has gotten bigger but it's still not as big as Dyer's was!

I dressed the girls up in Jamaica clothes to wish Valerie a Happy early birthday in Jamaica!
McKinley started saying "Dada"

McKinley is eating a little better this month.  She really likes anything fruit.  She will down almost the whole thing in one sitting.

Another random post

Blair started Ballet the beginning of September.  She really seems to be enjoying it!

Busting out the ice cream maker that Nathan got for my birthday!  We sure LOVE ice cream in this family!

Blakely says the funniest things!  Here she has a wand and is saying, "Ex-smelly armpits!"  She's trying to say a disarming charm "Expelliarmus!"from Harry Potter. 

We took all the kids to the High school football game.

This is basically what it was like for us during Hurricane Irma.  We really lucked out!

On our way home from Piano lessons later that night Blair and I noticed a beautiful rainbow.  Blair said, "That song was right.  After a hurricane, comes a rainbow!"  Once we got home I snapped this picture.  

Blakely's poor toe!  We still don't know what happened to it but it is basically healed now.  

Cute Blair bear cheering on her brother!

The kids  one evening came up with their own play called "Cats". 

Big Kahunas

We finally made it to Big Kahunas and actually decided to get season passes for next year.  We were able to go twice this year before it shut down for the season.  Blakely asks at least once a week when we can go to Big Kahunas again.  It's going to be a long several months until it opens up again.

Hopefully McKinley will have more fun the next time we go!