Friday, April 14, 2017

Easton soccer

I did a really bad job taking pictures/videos this year.  It seemed like I either forgot my camera or when I actually remembered it the battery was low and would die on me.  I did take more pictures and videos of Easton but they weren't that great...

Easton had a great year and improved a lot.  His coach was more of a defensive coach which worked out well for Easton because Easton is more of a defensive player.  He learned a lot from his coach.  His team didn't win many games (probably because they really didn't have anyone upfront that could score) but they came a long way from the beginning of the year.  The last game of the regular season they had to play the best team of the league.  Most of the other teams in the league got beat by this team by at least 5 goals.  Some as much as 8.  Easton's team only gave up 2 goals!  

Easton even played goalie twice during the season!  I only saw him once and I was a nervous wreck!  I'm not going to lie.  I wasn't sure how well he would do because he is so small and the goal seems so big, but he actually did really well.  He had quite a few saves and only gave up one goal.

Easton is going to play indoor soccer again this year but he told me he wants to try football next year instead of soccer.  I'm a little nervous because it is tackle football.  I won't be sad if he changes his mind between now and then but we will see.

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