Friday, April 14, 2017

Blakely turns 3!

Blakely turned 3 on September 19th!  She woke up and saw the birthday decorations and was so excited!  She then ran outside.  I was a little confused why she would go outside but pretty soon I found out why...When she came back inside she was very sad and asked, "Where is my bouncy house?!?"  In case you don't remember, the older kids had a water slide bouncy house for their birthday party and apparently Blakely thought she was getting one too!  Oops!  I had no idea 1) she would remember and 2) that she wanted one.  Luckily, I was quick on my toes and told her I was taking her to the bouncy house.  We might not be doing big birthday parties for the older kids now because Blakely expects the same thing for her birthday.  Little does she know or understand that the big kids get it because they share a birthday party.  After I told Blakely that we were going to the bouncy house for her birthday she was so excited and exclaimed, "Yay!  All my friends are going to be there!"  Shoot!!!  I'm really striking out now!  I thought I could get away with not having a friend birthday party for her because I thought she was too little to know or care.  Boy was I wrong!  I was just praying that some kids would be there and she would think they were her friends.  When we showed up there were two little kids but one left right as we were getting there and the second one left about two minutes later.  Seriously!?!  We were there about 1 1/2 hours by ourselves and I was about ready to leave  when a bunch of kids showed up.  Blakely just lit up and yelled, "All my friends came!"  Thank goodness that satisfied her and she was as happy as a clam!  Next birthday I better have a birthday party planned.


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