Sunday, June 5, 2016

Princess Ball

Nathan took Blair on a daddy/daughter date to a Princess Ball at the community center.  Nathan and Blair both had a lot of fun and thought it was really neat.  In fact they are already planning to go next year.  Blakely might even be able to join them next year since she will be old enough. We weren't exactly sure what to expect so Nathan bought Blair and himself a corsage and boutonniere.  They actually had fake corsages for each princess when they arrived (oops!)  Nathan took Blair out to eat before the dance but once they got there they actually had food there (oops again!)  They also had four princesses there for the girls to take pictures with, a candy bar, and a goodie bag for each girl to take home.  

Nathan took a picture of Blair with the princesses but I'll have to get that from him later.

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