Thursday, August 28, 2014

New Park and Children's Wonderland

A new park opened up near us so we had to go and check it out.
Easton and Blair practicing for disneyland rides!

Enjoying the swings


Blair wanted to push Blakely and of course Blakely didn't want any of that!

Dyer and Easton

Children's Wonderland

Of course we had to get the usual picture of someone in the gator's mouth.

Dyer opted for the tail.

Close up

Another gator

This is probably the kids' favorite spot.




Forced smile



Girls hanging out in the teapot.

Close up

Science experiment day.

Bouncing bubbles

The experiment really didn't work all that well.

Back to the teacups

Pumpkin carriage

This little girl started following us around.  In the beginning her mom was with her, but after about 5 minutes her mom just left.  It wasn't until about 45 minutes later that we ran past her mom who was outside the gate in her car.  Who does that?  

Blair and Dyer

One last picture before we left.

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