Thursday, October 31, 2013

Preschool Field Trip

Note to self:  When you download pictures make sure you have downloaded all the pictures before you decide to delete them off your camera!!!  I am so mad right now....I deleted so many pictures and I didn't realize it until I sat down to blog.  Pictures from our Ward Halloween Party...GONE!!!  Pictures of Blakely at one month....GONE!!!  Videos and pictures from Easton's last soccer game and team party....GONE!!!!  There is probably more than that but that is all that I remember right now.  I really just want to cry right now.  I always check before I delete but when I grabbed the camera to take pictures of Blair's preschool trick or treating I just assumed that they were all downloaded and deleted all of them since I was running out of memory.  I am so angry!

Here's the only pictures that ended up downloading....

Kyron and Dyer

Nathan and Blair (this was Nathan's last day of paternity leave before he had to go back to work).

Tractor ride.  Of course Dyer had to sit right next to Valerie!

Blair found her pumpkin!

Dyer found his pumpkin!

Going through the corn maze!

Hay fort!

Petting zoo!

Dyer asked the goats if they wanted to play with him!  So cute!


Blair with her friend Abby!

Brushing the pony.

Blair holding a kitten.

It looks like Dyer is being mean but actually he is just trying to feed the pigs hay!

Dyer holding a duck.

On the positive side I have a lot less blogging to do now that I don't have any pictures to blog about!  Did I mention how upset I am?  I'm wishing right now that I had a lot of blogging to do to catch up.  I'm just going to go cry now.......

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