Saturday, June 22, 2013

Pirate Festival

We went to the Pirate Festival in Vallejo last weekend.  Nathan got all the kids dressed up in Pirate clothes and we stopped by the dollar store to get some accessories.  I think Nathan was worried before we left home that we would be a little over dressed but once we got there I think we were probably under dressed.  People went full out crazy!  We had fun but I think it would have been better if we got there earlier and could have enjoyed more of the activities they had going on earlier in the day.  We went to Nathan's end of the year Radiology party before the festival so that is why we didn't make it to the festival earlier.  The kids had fun swimming at the party though and Dyer had a few close calls where I had to rescue him!  Silly boy!

Meet the Pirates:

Pirate #1

Pirate (Princess) #2

Pirate #3


Checking out the Pirate ship.

Pirate ship

Shooting a cannon

Steering the ship

Ready to fight

Listening to some Pirates sing.

Blair wanted to go down this slide but once she got to the top she got really scared.  One of the workers had to go up and bring her down.  

Easton playing in one of the jump houses (Pirate ship).  Blair should have done this with Easton instead of that huge slide.

Dyer turns 2!

So my baby boy officially turned 2 over a week ago!  Why do they have to grow up so fast?  Dyer has definitely filled the terrible two's role very nicely over the last month.  Even though he can be very difficult he is also a very funny little guy.  I swear he makes me laugh daily with the things he says.  He is a little sponge and will repeat anything and everything he hears someone say.  One of my favorites is when he says, "miss you!" with such a sweet but very sad face. He knows he can say this before you leave (when he doesn't want you to leave) and it will break your heart to leave him.  He's a smart one.  He will also say this when you come home and he wants some attention.  So cute!  

Video of Dyer trying to blow out his birthday breakfast candle:

He actually blew his candle out the second I lit it the first time but I didn't get it on tape so I lit it again.  I felt bad because he got a little too close and almost burned his mouth.  

After Nathan got off work in the evening we had dinner and then ate cake and ice cream.  Valerie and Roger came over and celebrated with us.  Afterwards Dyer opened his presents.

Video of us singing to Dyer:

Upclose picture of his monkey cake.  Dyer loves monkeys!

Licking the candles

Oops! Apparently he thought he could eat the candle too!

Opening his motorcycle toy!  He LOVES motorcycles!

Another motorcycle racing toy!

This was the day after his birthday.  He loves Blair's dress up shoes and he puts them on almost every morning.  It's not uncommon for him these days to wear them on our walk to Easton's school.

Happy Birthday Bubba!  We love you so much!  

Happy Birthday to me!

Yep, another birthday for the Kelsey Family!  And we aren't finished yet!  Dyer's comes next!  I turned 28 this year.  I thought I could get away with my birthday since we have so many this time of the year but no such luck!  The kids had no idea it was my birthday until almost 5:00 pm.  Thank you for all the birthday phone calls I received that day!  I sure felt special!  Nathan brought home pizza and cupcakes from a local cupcake shop.

Nathan and I celebrated earlier in the month when we went to Les Miserables musical and the Melting Pot.  So good!  We definitely had a great time!

I hate upclose pictures but when it is only the two of us we have no other option.  

Thanks Handsome!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Blair turns 4!

Blair started the day eating cinnamon rolls for her birthday breakfast and she also got to open her gifts right after breakfast.  Even though Nathan worked the night before he decided to go and watch Blair at gymnastics.  That definitely made her day! 

After Nathan got up for his nap we ate dinner.  I usually ask the kids what they want for their birthday dinner and Blair told me she wanted smoothies and cereal.  That is exactly what we had too!  It was ridiculously HOT that day so I was really excited that I didn't have to cook anything!

Blair's princess cake.  She LOVES Rapunzel!

Singing Happy Birthday:
Valerie and Roger came over for cake and ice cream.  When Valerie heard we were having cereal for dinner she told us to come and get her when we were ready for cake!

One excited little princess!

Happy 4th Birthday Blair Bear!  We love you to pieces!

Easton turns 6!

I can't believe this little fella turned 6 a couple weeks ago!  CRAZY!  Easton LOVES donuts so that is what he got for his birthday breakfast.  Good thing I did this for breakfast because he didn't get cake or cupcakes with the family later that day from me.  I did make cupcakes but I brought them to his classroom so he could celebrate with his class.  Blair and Dyer came with me and each got a cupcake so I figured if they all got some cake then we were good to go!  Easton said something to Valerie later that night about not getting any cake.  Luckily she happened to have preschool graduation that same day and had left over mini cupcakes so she saved me and brought some over!  I felt a little guilty for not having something for him.

He couldn't even wait until we put a candle in and sang to him before he took a bite!

Nathan was working nights that week so we celebrated in the morning right when he got home and before Easton went to school.  I think Easton was a little annoyed that he didn't get to enjoy any of his gifts before he had to get ready for school.  Oh well, at least he didn't have to wait until after dinner to open his gifts.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and gifts!  Easton loved them all!

Happy 6th Birthday Easton Layne!  I hope you had a wonderful day and I hope you know how special you are.  We sure love you!

24 Weeks!

As always I am behind in blogging.  I'm technically 27 weeks today but when I took this picture I was 24 weeks!  Baby girl is doing great!  She is very active and moves all over in my tummy!  The kids are all excited to feel her kicks and talk to her.  We have been discussing names and I think we have narrowed her name down to three!  It will be nice once we finally have a name to call her by.

24 weeks!

I can't help but share this photo!  Dyer hates wearing clothes, especially diapers.  Most of the time when I change him he kicks and screams and tries to escape.  He just prefers to be free!  One day he got away from me and immediately climbed on top of the couch in this position.  My kids aren't allowed to climb on couches but it was too funny not to let him be so I could snap a few pictures.  Seriously doesn't this remind you of a newborn photo shoot?  Thank goodness I don't have to give birth to this size of a baby in a couple months!