Friday, May 24, 2013

It's a.....

GIRL!!!!  This post is way over due (about a month!) and I'm sure everyone already knows, but for document purposes here it is...It has been confirmed that we are still having a little girl!  Blair couldn't be more excited!  She has to tell everyone that she sees (lots of strangers!) that she is getting a baby sister!  Easton was a bit upset that its not another boy.  I really wish that I would have gotten his reaction on tape.  I let Blair spill the beans to Easton since Nathan told her right away.  Easton turned to me and said, "You're joking, right?!?"  His facial expression was priceless.  Easton seems to have come to terms about getting another sister and has even cuddled up to me to try and feel his baby sister move.  So cute!  Dyer is ridiculously excited for a new baby.  He is constantly pulling my shirt up and patting/rubbing my tummy while saying, "Hi, baby sister!"  Dyer LOVES babies!  Honestly, I think I'm most worried about Blair and Dyer "sharing" the baby with each other.

I had planned on making cupcakes to tell the kids the good news but Blair had to know if she was getting a baby sister, so Nathan broke down and told her the exciting news!  Blair and Dyer even got to see their baby sister on the ultrasound screen since the ultrasound tech needed to get a few more pictures for the doctor.  I still wanted to do something "creative" even though everyone knew so instead of making a bunch of cupcakes, I made a mini cake instead.  Although the kids already knew they were getting a baby sister, they seemed really confused as to why there was pink frosting inside.  Silly kids!

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