Friday, May 24, 2013


Blair is back in gymnastics!  We took a little break because she didn't seem as interested in it anymore but little did I know she would have a break down when she found out she wasn't going and couldn't go back for six weeks!  She asked every week when she would be going to gymnastics.  I signed her up again and she was so excited for her first day back but half way through the class she went back to her not very interested stage.  She was on the balance beam and then after a while she ran over to me.  I thought maybe she had to use the bathroom but she said she didn't.  I asked what was the matter but she wouldn't say anything to me.  She just wanted me to hold her.  When I told her to get back out there she really threw a fit.  I tried to get her to tell me what was the matter, then I tried convincing her to get back out there.  I eventually told her if she wasn't going out with her teacher then she needed to grab her stuff so we could go.  I wasn't about to waste my time watching her either just stand there doing nothing or throwing a fit and not telling me what was the matter.  Eventually her teacher came over to talk with us and she too had no idea what had happened.  She told Blair to come back when she was ready.  I got Blair a drink and then took her to the bathroom.  When we came out she saw that her class was on the bars and ran over there as if nothing happened!?!  So weird!  This is exactly what she kept doing the last time she was in gymnastics and that is why I decided to give her a break.  Luckily we talked to Blair about what she was doing and the rest of the session went really smooth.  In fact she was back to her happy, bubbly, very excited self again!  It was great to see that again!

Practicing cartwheels:

high kicks on balance beam:
Before Blair needed some help with keeping her balance on the beam but she is doing it all by herself now!

I have no idea why she keeps pulling her shorts up so high.  I pull them down to her hips and she keeps pulling them up as high as she can.  It makes me think of "mommy jeans!"  I think we might try without shorts next time!

Working on her mermaid kicks.

Getting ready to run and jump.

Handstand roll.

We have been working really hard on getting Blair to run and jump in a fluid motion but this is usually what it looks like:  I'm not sure why but she randomly started that arm thing right before she starts running.  I think it is kind of cute!

She stops for whatever reason and then jumps.  This is about the time her teacher takes her by the hand to show her what to do.  Honestly I think Blair sometimes does it on purpose because she likes the extra attention she gets from her teacher.

Eventually she will do it though!

I wanted to show the other video of Blair climbing the rope but it was too long.  She climbed about a foot past the black line all by herself.  Her teacher wasn't tall enough to help hold her feet.

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