Sunday, February 16, 2025

March 2024


So Eden did okay her first day of gymnastics.  It took her a while to warm up to the teachers and classmates but eventually she went out there and had fun.  Well, this is a picture of her on her second day of class.  She refused to go on the floor and she just sat right next to me.  I thought if I threatened her with no screen time she would budge because this girl loves her screen time but she didn't!  I told her she couldn't have screen time until she went out and did gymnastics.  That meant that she didn't get screen time for at the very least a whole week!  She went the whole week without her tablet!  I did catch her a couple times looking over her sisters' shoulders to try and watch with them but once I reminded her she quickly went off to play with her toys.  I thought it was going to be a fight the whole week.  I was a little worried by the end of the week because she actually didn't seem very fazed by no screen time.  She's very stubborn so I thought it was going to be a battle that I wasn't sure I was going to win...

By the next class she promised me over and over again that she would get out there and do gymnastics.  I definitely wasn't holding my breath.  I honestly thought best case scenario she would maybe step foot on the floor at the very end of class.  

Luckily we were one of the first people there and she walked right in like she owned the place!  She sat down on the pink circle and waited for class to start.  I was shocked!!!  I kept waiting for her to run off and sit next to me but she didn't!  It was amazing and she did amazing!


Happy Birthday to Nathan! He wanted lava cake.

Fun rainbow.  It looked way better in person.

Blair's choir concert

All the girls (minus Eden) decided to enter the art contest this year. I thought they all had a chance to place this year but none of them did! It was so sad! I think it was Nathan that said maybe it was because all of their projects looked more like crafts instead of art (drawings, paintings, etc.) I thought doing something out of the box would help them stand out but I guess not.

This was Blair's first time ever quilling.

Blakely's llama string art
Not to be biased but I personally thought Blakely's was the best piece of art for her age category. I thought for sure she would have placed first and she didn't place at all.  I only showed Blakely how to make a tassel.  She did everything else on her own. She nailed every nail and placed all the string herself.

KK's string art.
We got a foil balloon in the shape of a K and then used craft glue mixed with water to wrap the balloon.  I helped KK removed excess glue off the string but she wrapped the K a million times herself. 

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