Sunday, March 17, 2024

September 2023

Nathan took me to the fair and my first rodeo.  I was super excited for the rodeo until it started raining and the wind was blowing like crazy!  Dirt kept flying in my eyes so I couldn't see and then the rain was blowing into our faces.  It wasn't very enjoyable after that!  We left early but I was sad that I didn't get to see a even half of the rodeo.

Easton asked a girl to homecoming!  
She's really into drama so Easton made a poster with the comedy masks (happy and sad mask thing) that said something along the lines of: "You may laugh or you may cry but I have to at least give it a try...Will you go to Homecoming with me?"  He bought some yellow roses and waited outside the auditorium with his sign after her play practice.  She said yes!  Easton was super excited and was trying to find a group to go with but kept striking out.  He had some other plans in the works but the day after we went out shopping for some fancy clothes the girl called him up crying.  She told Easton that her dad wasn't keen on the idea of her going to the dance with a Mormon!  Easton was super nice to her and told her that he hopes someone else will ask her so that she can still go and have fun and that he hopes that they can still be friends.  Easton didn't say much to us but you could tell that he was super disappointed and a bit sad that things didn't work out.  

I'm hoping that he will ask someone to Prom but who knows...  

Doesn't he look so handsome?
Her dress was blue but we weren't exactly sure if it was the correct shade of blue so we had a back up (black) just in case.

Eden's first day of preschool!
We decided to do a joy school kind of preschool this year with three other moms/kids.

We took the kids raspberry picking this year.  Last year it was only Nathan, Eden and me.  The kids weren't super thrilled to go but we got a bunch of raspberries to make jam!  I think KK was the best kid picker!  I didn't get a picture of her though...

My first day teaching preschool.
Unfortunately I flooded our house 3 days earlier (soaking our ice cream bucket-oops!) and the workers showed up that same day to take pictures and set up a ton of fans! It was a little hectic to say the least!

Most fast Sundays we make homemade ice cream and invite a family over.  I was trying to do too many things at once (make dinner, clean up the upstairs, etc.) and totally forgot I was filling up the bucket with water in the laundry room.  I'm not even sure how long the water was running before the smoke detector in the middle girls' room went off. We were all so confused!  That's when Nathan realized water was all over the floor in the laundry room and mudroom.  It went down the air duct into the girls' room.  It was a mess!  Luckily we were able to borrow a dehumidifier and a few fans from friends and neighbors.  We ended up needing to replace flooring upstairs (all of the laundry room, mudroom, and part of the kitchen.  They had to replace the middle portion of the girls' ceiling and part of the closet ceiling and a bit of the wall.  We were able to save their carpet but they had to replace a small square of padding in the closet.

It was such a pain because our insurance and the company fixing everything couldn't for the life of anyone communicate with each other. Nathan was the go between person which shouldn't have been the case.  It took forever to get things repaired and then they didn't order enough flooring so again it took way too long!  

Blakely's school pictures.  I never buy their individual pictures-only class pictures because we get family pictures and I like all their individual pictures to match.  I know I'm anal! 

KK's school pictures.


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