Sunday, March 13, 2022



Trying to teach her to use her "words"...

Chocolate milk...
Is it milk with some chocolate syrup mixed into it?
Is it chocolate syrup with some milk mixed into it?

KK must think it is the latter!

What?!? You're kids don't wear ridiculous things to bed? 
Blakely sporting the ear protection with her eye mask.

KK: I'm just wearing my sleeping cap!

Nathan had a sleep study done.  
Apparently this is where the girls get it from...wearing ridiculous things to bed!  Haha!

Every once in a while for preschool KK will learn a new word.  This particular day she was learning the sign for smile.  KK was not in the best mood this day as you can see in the video below...

Enjoying preschool this day!

This month for preschool KK was learning about different jobs.  One day we were talking about dentists...

Me: What do you do to keep your teeth healthy?
KK: Brush my teeth...Sometimes I don't because my toothbrush disappears.
Me: You should put your toothbrush in the same place every time you're done with it so you have it the next time.
KK: I do but someone takes it.
Me: Who???...Do magic fairies come and hide your toothbrush?
KK: No, it must be the devil.  He's mean like that!

Family movie night! I think KK might forever be my cuddle bug!

Blair and KK were racing and apparently KK cheated...
Blair to KK: It's called you cheated!
KK with attitude: No, it's called KK mode!

Poor Eden smashed her finger.

When the older kids are outside playing in the front yard and I'm making dinner...this is where you'll find Eden...

Eden loves this R2D2 bop it game.  I love the "wooo!" at the end!

Jayli and I threw a baby shower for a friend in my ward (Raelynn).  This was my first baby shower I threw for anyone.

Gift table with my gift on there.

Jayli made the invitations with an elephant on it with the saying "A little peanut is coming..."
I decided to continue with the "Peanut/elephant" theme...

Game #1-winner got the jar of Peanut M&Ms

Game #2
Don't say the word Baby!

Game #3
Memory game
Remember and write down what was in the basket.
Afterwards I gave the basket to Raelynn

Gifts for the winners of game 2 and 3.
Nailed it for the Memory game and Burt's Bee's (Good job not saying the "Bee" word) for the don't say the word baby game.

Sugar cookies!
I think I did these ones a little better than the temple cookies but I'm still learning.

Of course I forgot to take pictures of the food table but I managed to snap this picture the day after the shower of the leftover cupcakes I made. 

It started at 10 am so I decided brunch type food would be best. I provided quiche and make your own yogurt parfaits-three different flavors of yogurt with different types of fruit and oats and almonds as toppings.

Jayli brought some food and some other people brought food which ended up being a good thing since about twice as many people as I was expecting showed up!

This is what everyone got as they were leaving.

I wasn't sure how many people would show up but I knew for sure about 10 people would come.  We didn't get everyone in the picture because they left early but I believe there were 18-20 adults that ended up coming and at least 20 kids (most of the kids were not in the picture)!  It was definitely a full house!

Saturday, March 5, 2022

New House

Nathan and I took the two youngest with us to go house hunting the beginning of December.  Luckily Nathan's mom took the girls for two days so we didn't have to drag them along.  Valerie looked after the older four while we were away.  The Ward family was a huge help taking the kids to and from school and other activities.

We found a home we really liked and put an offer on it.  We low balled them about $75,000 lower than their asking price but we were pretty confident that it wouldn't apprise for much more than what we offered them.  They countered, asking us to meet them about halfway.  We agreed but weren't confident that it would appraise for that much.  We were right!  We asked for $30,000 off the offer we agreed on (total of $63,000 lower than their original asking price).  They agreed and about 6 weeks after our trip we officially became house owners! 

This is a brand new house.  It was built in 2021.  The owners have only been in this house for about 9 months...Crazy!  I'm wondering if the house was too big for them.  It was just a couple and their dog.

Here's our new house:

This was a quick walk through video of the house when we were out house hunting...
Warning: It is really fast and you might get motion sickness watching it...

Front door (Entry) with bedroom 1

Bedroom 1
 This will probably be Nathan's mom's room when she is staying with us/guest room.

Entry and living room
Down the little hallway is the 1/2 bath.

 1/2 bath
The owners changed the flooring once they moved in which I'm a little sad about because now it is tiny tiles with tons of white grout!  We had something similar in Florida and it drove me crazy!  It was impossible to keep the grout clean.  

Master bedroom

 Master bathroom

Don't you just love that tub?!?

Huge master closet!

Back out to the Living room.

Dining room and pantry off to the left
Mudroom, laundry and garage off to the right


Dining room and Pantry

Huge butler pantry

Mudroom and door to garage

Laundry room

Basement great room
Down the hallway to the girls quarters

Blair and Eden's room

Blakely and KK's room

Girls bathroom

Other side of great room.  We get to keep the huge projector screen.

Boys bathroom

Boys room

Across the hall from the boys room is a storage room but we will most likely use it as a band room.



Easton woke up early to make breakfast for everyone!


He even got everyone a gift!

The kids got a Nintendo Switch for Christmas 

and a bunch of games

KiwiCo subscription 

KK got a bike but we made the mistake of not wrapping it...

Shape stacker from Gma and Gpa Uehling

Music box from Gma and Gpa Uehling

Microphone with stand from Gma and Gpa Uehling

Towel from Gma and Gpa Earnest

Wonder woman and makeup vanity from Gma and Gpa Earnest

Captain Marvel from Gma and Gpa Earnest

Wrestlers from Gma and Gpa Earnest

Paint, brushes, and canvas from Gma and Gpa Earnest

Legos from Gma and Gpa Earnest

Egg Sandwich maker from Gma and Gpa Earnest

Lots of gift cards, games, and family challenge book from Gpa and Gma Kelsey

Game from Uncle Brandyn and Auntie Jacqui

Games from Uncle Blake and Aunt Chandra

The kids with Valerie's help got Nathan and me gifts.
I got some new pig slippers and a blanket.  I think they realize that I'm always cold!  They also wrote some sweet notes!

Trying out the microphone

The Wards came over later for Christmas dinner and brought over gifts for the kids!

Christmas Letter: