Sunday, December 29, 2019

April Fools!

I told the kids last year that I wasn't going to do anything for April Fools this year because they don't appreciate my food pranks.  They think that I am mean.  I try to tell them that I fool them but it's not mean.  Everything I make for them tastes good.  Nathan convinced me last minute to continue with the tradition.  Even the three middles requested "ostrich eggs" for April Fools breakfast.

"Ostrich eggs" and "hot chocolate".  The hot chocolate was really chocolate milk with marshmallows. 

For dinner we had "sweet and sour chicken with rice"  The chicken was rice krispies shaped into chicken pieces and then covered with a sweet orange glaze.  I cooked the glaze a little too long so it was harder than I wanted.  Nathan made a sweet Thai rice dessert.  Easton was overly disappointed...

Since that was basically dessert we had to have a main dish.  We decided to keep it simple and just have spaghetti.  The twist was dyeing the noddles different colors.

The kids enjoyed the rainbow noddles.

Easton was a little unsure at first but decided to eat it anyways.  He just had to make sure it was completely covered in red sauce.

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