Sunday, August 11, 2019

Blair's Christmas Piano Recital

Christmas Time Fun!

The first Saturday in December is usually when Niceville has it's Christmas parade in the morning and Santa in the Park at night.  The parade got postponed to another day due to the weather but they ended up moving Santa in the Park inside.

I was hoping to get a cute picture of the kids with Santa but by the time we stood in line forever and a day waiting for balloon swords Santa had already left!?!  I'm not exactly sure why Santa left because there was supposed to be another 30 minutes before the event ended....

I probably should have taken pictures before we got the balloons because it was pointless trying to get a decent picture with weapons in hand.  I don't generally post a million pictures of the same thing but check out the time lapse of Easton and Blair...

I attempted to get Christmas photos of the kids the next day after church but the sun was too bright for the kids.

McKinley started not feeling very well

Such a good big sister trying to comfort her sick baby sister.

Finally 2 weeks later they had the Christmas Parade.  The kids got a lot of candy and toys.

Blair's haul




McKinley didn't get a lot because she would only pick up one sucker at a time and put it in her mouth.  She wouldn't pick up another sucker until she was finished with the one before.

Second attempt at getting a picture for our Christmas card.


McKinley's new ride!
I finally got around to charging Blakely's old power wheel.  McKinley LOVED it!  My floors not so much.  This was the one and only time we did it in the house because it scuffed up the wooden floors.  Oops!

Park time!
Easton was at the library next door working on his research project.  The internet at home kept cutting out (the modem wasn't working right) so I dropped him off and took the rest of them to the park.

This is McKinley's preferred method of going down the slide.


One of Blakely!  They started decorating for Christmas and Blakely desperately wanted her picture taken with the Grinch.

She can't help but dance when there is music on.


One of McKinley's favorite things to do is come up behind me, grab onto my back pockets, and swing between my legs.  Such a silly girl!

Blair gets a haircut!

Blair had been begging me for a while to cut her hair short.  Since soccer was finally over I decided to give in to her request.

Before picture
I forgot to take a before picture with her hair dry

After picture

Taking her own selfie!

This was the day after Thanksgiving.  We spent Thanksgiving with the Parks.  Such a nice family!  We had a couple families invite us over for Thanksgiving which was really nice since Nathan was deployed and I really didn't want to make a big dinner. The kids had a lot of fun playing games and making crafts.

Blakely's Preschool Thankful Dinner

Blakely's preschool put on a really cute presentation with dinner afterwards.  It was hard to see Blakely from the table we were sitting at.  Luckily they had screens so I could see her better but it wasn't as clear when filming.  Blair had a soccer game at the same time.  Thankfully some friends from church (Parks) were willing to help me out.  They have a daughter that was on Blair's soccer team and their son was in Blakely's preschool class.  The dad was willing to adopt Blair for the night.  This was the game that Blair scored in!  I totally called it too!  I said,"I bet Blair's going to score tonight since I'm not there to watch."

Blakely's on the top row (of course since she is so tall)!

Here's a screen shot of Blakely (4th one from the left-top row).  It's not very clear but you can see how much she got into the song!

My cute little pilgrim.